As we notified you last week, we will report on HCA’s priorities and progress to stabilize the Benefits 24/7 platform for PEBB and SEBB employees. Our intention is to keep you informed on identified issues, how we’re prioritizing them, and when they’re addressed.
This list does not include all the identified issues, but several that we are prioritizing based on their impact on members’ enrollment and reinstating coverage. Keep in mind that we’re balancing the work on these issues with additional system issues affecting other PEBB and SEBB members, including retirees.
In January 2024, HCA launched a new online insurance enrollment system called Benefits 24/7. This was a new system for PEBB employees and retirees who had never directly managed their accounts in an online enrollment platform, as well as a shift for SEBB employees who previously used SEBB My Account.
While Benefits 24/7 now serves as our front-end enrollment system for employees, retirees, and Benefits Administrators, it still passes data to our legacy Pay1 system. We still use Pay1 for accounting and billing purposes and to send data to our health plans.
Since the launch of Benefits 24/7, but especially since the conclusion of the Fall 2024 annual open enrollment, issues have affected Benefits 24/7 and Pay1's ability to consistently collect, store, and transfer data between the two systems accurately for some accounts. This can, and has at times, adversely affected our billing processes and transfer of enrollment and termination data to our health plans. We are working diligently to correct these issues.
We are providing specific examples of the items we have prioritized related to the circumstances noted above.
Some priorities we’re working on
Enrollment data for December 24 did not make it to the PEBB insurance carriers.
MetLife Vision and Davis Vision by MetLife reported an issue with PEBB vision files not uploading due to missing coverage dates. This affects many dependent records and is being reviewed to determine the scope and solution.
PEBB employer group employees were billed the higher December 2024 supplemental LTD premiums for January 2025. The February 2025 invoices next week will include the credits for January 2025 LTD.
A variety of Benefits 24/7 reports for Benefit Administrators are not accurately displaying information. This includes the Benefit Election Status Report and Spousal Reattestation Report.
Reinstating over 1,200 incorrectly terminated retiree life insurance accounts.
Some issues that have been addressed
Over 900 subscribers logged in to Benefits 24/7 during open enrollment and didn't update the spousal premium surcharge attestation screen. The screen was prefilled with last year's “No” response and we believe many of these subscribers did not understand they needed to confirm this response. After open enrollment, the system incorrectly defaulted these accounts to “Yes” for 2025. We have corrected the error and the affected accounts have been reverted to “No.” Any surcharges that were paid due to this error will be credited.
LTD rate corrections for the SEBB Program, and also PEBB employers who use HRMS.
Fixed a PEBB accounting adjustment screen that HCA Accounting needed to make individual account corrections. The screen issue has been addressed and HCA Support Accounting tickets that were affected by this screen fix are now able to be worked.
If you continue to have challenges on an issue that has been addressed, please submit a new ticket to HCA’s Outreach & Training team.
We will post the weekly updates on the Benefits Administrators websites. You can access these via the pink alert box and under Notices and updates. We will continue expanding content on the website soon.