April 2023
The Washington State School-Based Health Care Services (SBHS) Program is administered by the Health Care Authority (HCA). School districts participating in the SBHS Program receive Medicaid reimbursement for providing health care-related services to Title XIX Medicaid-eligible students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSPs). Visit the SBHS webpage for more information.
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Current instructions in the SBHS Program: How to Enroll Servicing Providers manual state that school districts should leave the "enrollment effective date" field blank when enrolling new providers under the district's ProviderOne account.
Update! When enrolling new servicing providers under the district's ProviderOne account, school districts can now enter the provider's start date with the school district in the "enrollment effective date" field on the first page of the provider's application (the Basic Information Screen):
 By entering the provider's start date with the district, school districts will be able to bill for the provider's services as soon as HCA approves the provider's ProviderOne application. This also means that school districts will no longer have to email HCA's SBHS Program Manager requesting to backdate the provider's ProviderOne start date.
HCA will be updating the SBHS Program: How to Enroll Servicing Providers manual to reflect this change. In the meantime, if you are in charge of enrolling new providers in ProviderOne, please make note of this change!
Reminder! When enrolling new providers in ProviderOne, the person completing the application must enter their email address in the email address field on the Basic Information Screen:
 HCA will email this email address if there are questions about the provider's application.
School districts who participate in the SBHS program are asked to revalidate certain information in ProviderOne every five years. However, HCA recommends that districts login to their ProviderOne account annually to confirm "Required" steps on the district's "Business Process Wizard (BPW)" are accurate and up-to-date:
 The district's BPW can be accessed and updated by logging into ProviderOne and clicking on "Manage Provider Information".
Note: It is especially important to ensure accurate contact information (name, email address, the district's address) is listed under Step 1: Basic Information and Step 2: Locations. This ensures ProviderOne updates and information gets delivered to the appropriate school staff and also ensures ProviderOne staff can contact the district if there are any questions about revalidations or provider applications.
For assistance with updating information in ProviderOne, school districts may contact HCA's Office of Provider Relations at ProviderRelations@hca.wa.gov or HCA's Office of Provider Enrollment at 1-800-562-3022 ext. 16137.
This is a reminder that school districts (SDs), educational service districts (ESDs), and charter schools who participate in the SBHS program are required to register with OneHealthPort (OHP). Billing agencies who assist districts with SBHS claim submissions are also required to register with OHP.
Note: OHP is not replacing ProviderOne. SBHS-contracted SDs, ESDs, and charter schools will still have a ProviderOne account. The only thing that will change after OHP registration is how school staff (e.g., SBHS Coordinators or Business Managers) login to ProviderOne.
When is the deadline to register?
If your district has already registered with OHP, you get a GOLD STAR!
HCA encourages districts who have not yet registered to register as soon as possible! Failure to register will eventually impact the district's ability to access their ProviderOne account.
How do I register my organization with OHP?
Visit OneHealthPort's website, click on "Register", and follow the directions. Additional information about the registration process can be found in the OHP Registration Guide.
I still have questions, who do I contact?
More information about OHP registration, how to access ProviderOne after registering, OHP contact information, and answers to other OHP frequently asked questions can be found in the SBHS Program: OneHealthPort & ProviderOne FAQ.