Washington State is pursuing a Section 1115 waiver renewal
The Health Care Authority (HCA) is pleased to announce plans to submit a renewal for Washington State’s Section 1115 Medicaid demonstration waiver, called the Medicaid Transformation Project (MTP). HCA will submit the MTP renewal package to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services on July 15, 2022.
MTP allows our state to create and continue to develop projects, activities, and services that improve Washington’s health care system using federal Medicaid funding. All work under MTP benefits those enrolled in Apple Health (Medicaid).
Washington State is currently in the last year of the current MTP waiver, which ends December 31, 2022. If approved, the MTP renewal will begin January 1, 2023, and end December 31, 2027. Learn more about MTP.
What’ll happen in the MTP renewal?
We will continue to offer and/or refine our five MTP initiatives. The most significant change is the evolution of Initiative 1, where HCA, Accountable Communities of Health, and other partners will focus on specific activities and priorities.
In addition, there will be several new strategies in the renewal that contribute to the Medicaid program goals of ensuring whole-person care. New proposals include:
- Continuous Medicaid enrollment for children
- Extending coverage for postpartum services
- Re-entry services for individuals who are exiting jail, prison, or other correctional facility
- Enhancements to long-term services and supports (LTSS)
Read our renewal FAQ to learn more.
Note: the FAQ also lists the changes to LTSS and Foundational Community Supports programs in the renewal. There will be no changes to the substance use disorder IMD* or mental health IMD* programs.
What’s next?
HCA will hold some public comment webinars in the near future. We’ll be sending out more announcements with webinar dates, materials, and ways people can share their input. Our public comment period begins April 15, 2022.
We’re also working on additional renewal materials that further explain the programs that will continue or begin in the renewal. Learn more about MTP.
*IMD stands for institution for mental diseases. IMDs are hospitals, nursing facilities, or other institutions with more than 16 beds that primarily provide diagnosis, treatment, or care of persons with mental diseases. This includes medical attention, nursing care, and related services.