Washington State continues efforts on health care cost containment
Our state continues to work toward containing health care costs and finding ways to make health care more affordable for Washington residents. Programs at the Health Care Authority (HCA) aimed at increasing health care cost transparency and controlling health care cost growth include:
Other agencies and organizations across the state are also focusing on efforts like these. Just this week, the Washington Health Alliance (WHA) released their Total Cost of Care (TCOC) tool.
As described by WHA, this tool shows how much it cost to provide health care services to people across Washington State from 2018-2020. The TCOC examined health care services like surgery; hospitalization; skilled nursing facilities; radiology; urgent and preventative care; allergy testing; prescription drugs; ambulance; and more.
The TCOC can help provide another perspective, especially when looking at commercial costs. Additional context is needed, though, when looking at Medicaid costs, which can provide a more complete picture of the total cost of care in Washington State.
For example, since our state has prioritized VBP, not all health care expenditures are captured in claims data. Additionally, Medicaid makes supplemental, or extra payments to hospitals and other providers, which is not captured in claims data.
With our state’s continued and combined efforts, we’re one step closer to making health care more affordable for the people of Washington.