HCA Rulemaking Notice for WSR 21-02

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Health Care Authority Rulemaking Notice

You are receiving this notice because you signed up to receive alerts for any rulemaking that occurs to one or more of the following rules.

Preproposal - Statement of Inquiry (CR101)

182-512-0550 SSI-Related medical - All Other Excluded Resources
To read the filing notice, see WSR 21-02-042

Proposed Rule Making - Public Hearings (CR102)

182-530-5000 Billing requirements - Pharmacy claim payment
To read the filing notice and view the proposed rules, see WSR 21-02-072

Permanent Adoption (CR103P)

182-530-2000, -2100 Covered outpatient drugs, devices, and drug-related supplies; Noncovered outpatient drugs and pharmaceutical supplies.
To read the filing notice and view the permanent rules, see WSR 21-02-004

182-513-1105 Personal needs allowance (PNA) and room and board standards in a medical institution and alternate living facility
To read the filing notice and view the permanent rules, see WSR 21-02-086

182-550-3800 Rebasing Long Term Civil Commit Rates
To read the filing notice and view the permanent rules, see WSR 21-02-087

Emergency Adoption (CR103E)

182-505-0215 Children's Washington apple health with premiums
To read the filing notice and view the emergency rules, see WSR 21-02-076