Health Care Authority Rulemaking Notice
HCA’s New filings webpage to be discontinued
In March 2020, we notified you of important functionality enhancements we made to our Rulemaking webpages to offer you a better experience. We hope you have been able to access and use the search filters to find the last 7, 14, or 30 days of new filings and the expandable rows.
What’s changing?
In the March 2020 notice, we let you know that we would be phasing out the New filings webpage and again in a notice sent on October 13, 2020, and January 16, 2020. Effective January 1, 2021, this page will be discontinued. This webpage is no longer necessary. The functionality enhancements and search filters on the Rulemaking webpages allow users to achieve the same purpose.
Have questions?
Contact: HCA Rule-Making by email at