HIT in the community
Health IT is excited to be out in the communities of Washington.
- HIT was grateful for the opportunity to help facilitate a SWACH Collaborative Learning Session on 1/29 in Vancouver.
- Representatives from HIT participated in Cambia Grove’s 5 Points of Health Care Conference and was further invited to contribute to the post-conference deep-dive discussion.
- HIT will participate in the DOH Prescription Monitoring Program stakeholder meeting on 2/27.
- HIT will also present at the Washington Coalition Medicaid Outreach (WCOMO) meeting in Bremerton on 3/20.
- The Washington Council for Behavioral Health (WCBH) invited HIT to present on the CDR and will introduce our Roadmap to Recovery program at the 2020 conference in Kennewick.
Please contact us about presenting an overview of the CDR to your gathering of healthcare industry professionals! Use healthit@hca.wa.gov and 360-725-5945.
How to get CDR access
For new subscribers, and until further notice, OneHealthPort is waiving the HIE participant annual subscription fee for one year to view patient data through the CDR web portal. Use of other HIE services during this period voids the offer. Please contact OneHealthPort for complete details.
The CDR web portal
The CDR web portal is available for viewing by all licensed professionals. This includes physical and behavioral health providers and their delegates.
- All organizations viewing CDR data must be a HIPAA covered entity and have a HIE participation agreement with OneHealthPort.
- Only staff with a need to view individual client-level data may access the CDR. (As determined by their manager and configured by their internal IT access staff.) This is similar to how your organization grants electronic health records access.
Users can complete training in one hour or less. Organizations using the CDR will not incur training costs from OneHealthPort or HCA. Reference materials are available on OneHealthPort’s website.
2019 Attestations
2019 attestations close tomorrow Saturday February 29th! Please be sure to get your attestations in before then. If you have questions or concerns please contact us at healthit@hca.wa.gov.
Audit Preparedness
A helpful tip is to make sure you know where your prior years’ attestation documentation is located in the event of an audit; especially if there have been staffing changes at your organization. Don’t wait until an audit to try and locate the information, because if you can’t find it – you have to try and recreate information that may not be as accurate. You can find the documentation you need here.