Apple Health - Rule Making Notice

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Apple Health (Medicaid): Provider Alert

Preproposal - Notice of Intent (CR101)

182-531-1675, Gender Dysphoria, (WSR 17-05-084)
Purpose: The agency is revising these rules to:

  • Simplify and clarify language, including but not limited to removing repetitive or unnecessary language, such as language that is located in other WACs and thus does not need to be duplicated in this WAC
  • Add information on medical necessity for prior authorization
  • Remove references to centers of excellence
  • Remove unnecessary administrative processes for the client and provider, including but not limited to multiple attestation forms

Permanent Adoption (CR103P)

182-526-0005, 182-526-0010, 182-526-0020, 182-526-0025, 182-526-0035, 182-526-0040, 182-526-070,182-526-0080, 182-526-0085, 182-526-0095, 182-526-0102, 182-526-0110, 182-526-0115, 182-526-0135, 182-526-0155, 182-526-0175, 182-526-0185, 182-526-0195, 182-526-0200, 182-526-0215, 182-526-0221, 182-526-0230, 182-526-0240, 182-526-0245, 182-526-0250, 182-526-0255, 182-526-0270, 182-526-0280, 182-526-0285, 182-526-0290, 182-526-0320, 182-526-0340, 182-526-0350, 182-526-0355, 182-526-0360,  182-526-0370, 182-526-0375, 182-526-0380, 182-526-0387, 182-526-0390, 182-526-0415, 182-526-0450, 182-526-0495, 182-526-0500, 182-526-0520, 182-526-0525, 182-526-0540, 182-526-0545, 182-526-0550, 182-526-0555, 182-526-0560, 182-526-0575, 182-526-0580, 182-526-0595, 182-526-0600, 182-526-0605, 182-526-0640, 182-526-0650. Repealed:  182-526-0045, 182-526-0090, 182-526-0105, 182-526-0112, 182-526-0157, 182-526-0170, 182-526-0235, 182-526-0315, Administrative Hearings, (WSR 17-05-066)
Purpose:  The agency is amending the rules to make the hearing process more efficient and streamlined.