We have shared many times - our ANHPI community is not monolithic. We are a diverse community, representing rich and ancient heritage and cultures. Many in our community celebrate the new year; however, not in the same way or at the same time, based on various calendars.
Lunar New Year marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring, represents the desire for a new life, and is based on the Lunar calendar. The holiday falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice, December 21, falling on different dates (usually between January 21 and February 20) than on the Gregorian calendar.
Although it is often called Chinese New Year, more cultures celebrate Lunar New Year than just the Chinese, including the Vietnamese, Korean, Singaporean, Malaysian, Indonesian, and Filipino communities celebrate Lunar New Year. Some have a different name for their celebration.
Many are familiar with Chinese New Year, celebrated by the Chinese and Taiwanese. The Vietnamese community celebrates Tết, a celebration of rebirth. Korean communities call it Seollal, while the Mongol celebrate Tsagaan Sar.
There are also other similar lunisolar celebrations celebrated by others in our ANHPI community. A few include:
- Islam celebrates Lunar Hijri - may fall in any season and sometimes there can be two Islamic New Years in one Gregorian calendar. It will be celebrated on June 27 this year.
- Judaism has four lunar new year celebrations, Rosh Hashanah (September 22, 2025), Elul (August 25-September 21, 2025), Tishrei (September 23, 2025), and Tu BiShvat (February 12-13, 2025)
- The Balinese New Year is called Nyepi and will be celebrated on March 29-30 in 2025
- Cham New Year is Rija Nukan, falling on February 28th this year
Hmong New Year is November 8, 2025
- Japanese New Year, Oshōgatsu, is celebrated on January 1
Below are some resources to share and learn more about the new year festival celebrated by people across Asia:
Email HAPPEN@ofm.wa.gov to share your holiday traditions and celebrations. Here are some virtual backgrounds you can download and use to celebrate:
![Lunar NY background 1](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/WAGOV/2025/01/10909910/5964794/1_crop.png) ![Lunar NY background 2](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/WAGOV/2025/01/10909994/5964795/2_crop.png) ![Lunar NY background 3](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/WAGOV/2025/01/10909984/5964796/3_crop.png)
Thank you to everyone who attended the HAPPEN Leadership Development launch! Join us on February 19, 2025 for Session 2: Self-Care is Foundational to engaging as your "authentic' self, presented by Jenn Nguyen!
Jenn is the Director of the Washington State Employee Assistance Program. The Washington EAP provides confidential mental health and wellness supports to Washington state public service employees and their families for over 50 years.
Jenn has been an Washington state public servant for 16 years and is a licensed mental health professional and Diversity and Equity consultant and trainer with a private practice located in south King County. She enjoys spending time with her two children and puppy who was impulsively adopted during the pandemic.
When: from 1:00 - 2:00 pm, 3rd Wednesday of each month, January - June 2025
Where: Zoom
No registration is required but contact information will be documented for attendance purposes.
CART services have been scheduled as an inclusive communicative support.
Content: varied forums or forum panels with speakers and interactive virtual sessions that will support visualizing your goals into actionable next steps
We look forward to seeing you there!
HAPPEN Executive Sponsor Nick Vann was recently appointed as a board member for the national organization Asian and Pacific Islander Americans In Historic Preservation (APIAHiP). Nick was also a member of the National Forum Committee, which planned the recent forum hosted in Seattle this past September, convening hundreds of professionals advocating for ANHPI history and culture. He looks forward to continuing to raise awareness about ANHPI history in Washington state and across our nation.
APIAHiP is the sole national organization dedicated to safeguarding historic sites and cultural resources significant to Asian and Pacific Islander Americans. Established in 2007, APIAHiP fosters a network that connects and supports local communities in their preservation endeavors. The organization offers educational programs and strategic services to empower communities to maintain their heritage through a place-based approach. Additionally, APIAHiP advocates for increased public and private resources and works to reduce barriers to historic preservation at all governmental levels.
For more information about the organization, visit their website at https://apiahip.org/.
Join Us at the Next General Meeting
We hope to see you at the next general meeting on February 12th!
HAPPEN general membership meetings are scheduled the second Wednesday of the month from 1:00 to 2:00 pm. Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 810 6147 0109 Passcode: 571168
One tap mobile +12532158782,,81061470109#,,,,*571168# US (Tacoma) +16699009128,,81061470109#,,,,*571168# US (San Jose)
Competency-Based Hiring: The Future of Recruitment in State Government
Did you know that 72% of employers don’t consider a college degree a reliable measure of skills? Yet, 52% still default to hiring degree-holders because it feels like the “safe” option.
This traditional approach isn’t just outdated—it’s exclusionary. Research from Opportunity@Work shows that four-year degree requirements exclude:
- 76% of African Americans
- 83% of Latinos
- 81% of rural Americans
It’s time to change the narrative. Join us for an exclusive presentation on “Competency-Based Hiring: The Future of Recruitment in State Government”. Learn how embracing skills over degrees can break barriers, diversify your talent pool, and open doors to underrepresented communities.
As part of their lunch and learn series, OFM is virtually offering Competency-Based Hiring: The Future of Recruitment in State Government beginning February 5, 2025 through November 7, 2029.
Registration is required. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
What's HAPPENing in the News
Cultural Events & Activities
The following are some activities you may want to check out HAPPENing:
APCC will host the free 27th Annual New Year celebration featuring India.
When: February 15 from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm
Where: Tacoma Dome Exhibition Hall
Cost: Free
Have Something to Share?
We try our best to curate meaningful and relevant content, opportunities, news, etc., we think will be of interest for our members and allies. Representing over 100 countries and more than 50 communities makes it difficult to stay apprised of everything HAPPENing related to our collective community. We greatly appreciate when opportunities are shared from our members.
This is your bulletin. Feel free to send articles, resources, event information, etc., to be included in future bulletins, and eventually, our website and social media.
- Submit items by emailing them to HAPPEN@ofm.wa.gov by Thursday morning for the following week's bulletin.
- Time sensitive items submitted will be reviewed and included in the next bulletin.
- Non-time sensitive submissions will be added to the list to be included in future bulletins when we may be looking for content to share.
- Bulletins will usually be distributed on Mondays. Special bulletins will be sent only as needed to provide an update on something already shared or of an urgent nature.
Thank you in advance for sharing, uplifting, and elevating our voices, culture, and opportunities! This is what community looks like.