WIN Newsletter August 2024

Washington Immigrant Network Logo - You Belong Here

WIN membership is open to all current and former Washington State Employees

You Belong!

Click to Watch Video

Check out this WIN BRG-produced video that raises awareness about Washington State as an employer of choice for immigrant communities, showcases the diversity of the state workforce, and promotes the State as a welcoming environment where immigrants can feel valued and appreciated.

Message from WIN's Co-Chairs -

Roy Salonga and Rokaih Vansot

Greetings! Happy August!

We want to share some highlights from WIN’s August 6th General Membership Meeting:

Office of Equity presentation

Nick Vann, Director of Equity and Belonging of the Office of Equity, gave updates to our members. He talked about the Office of the Equity’s Vision, Mission, and its Core Values:

Office of Equity Vision, Mission, and Values statements

Our Vision - Everyone in Washington has full access to the opportunities, power, and resources they need to flourish and achieve their full potential. Washington for All. Our Mission - Promote equitable access to opportunities, power, and resources across government that reduce disparities and improve outcomes statewide. Our Core Values - Access, Belonging, Dignity, Equity, Justice, Love, Ubuntu

We the People Convening

Nick also talked about the upcoming 2024 We the People Convening event that will take place on October 15-16, 2024. This event will be hybrid. Visit Office of Equity’s website for more information and to register.

Immigrant Story

Laura Villegas from Department of Ecology shared her Immigrant Story. The picture below shows her journey coming to the United States of America and ending up here in Washington State:

Map of Laura Villegas journey to America

You can read more about Laura below in the introduction of her as the Career and Professional Development Co-Lead for WIN. 

Don't forget to join us for the next General Membership meeting September 3rd. Details below. 

Co-Chairs Roy Salonga and Rokaih Vansot

WIN General Membership Meeting (Zoom)



WIN General Meeting Logo

General Membership is open to all current Washington State employees, including full-time, part-time, hourly, and salaried employees who are committed to supporting and advancing the mission of WIN.

Click Here to Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 867 8744 7524

Passcode: 312248

Meet WIN's New Leaders!

Janet Nambi Kiwanuka wearing a headscarf

Janet Nambi Kiwanuka, Career & Professional Development Co-Lead

Janet Nambi Kiwanuka is training and development specialist at Department of Retirement Services (DRS). She is a Certified Life Coach dedicated to helping leaders create cohesive teams and drive productivity. Her expertise in leadership and coaching empowers individuals to cultivate self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and positive communication, resulting in highly effective leaders.

Janet's coaching abilities have helped leaders in areas such as Communication, Conflict Resolution, Employee Engagement, Managing Change, and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome, and Overcoming Burnout. Her dedication to personal and professional growth, coupled with her exceptional leadership experience, makes her an outstanding leadership development coach and consultant.

Janet has over 10 years of successful business management experience. She led a company that grossed 2 million dollars in income. Her leadership skills include Talent Management, Business Strategy Formulation and Implementation, Business Process Improvement and Administration, Sales Strategy Formulation, Financial Strategy Formulation, and Change Management.

Furthermore, Janet is a certified facilitator of Franklin Covey's Leadership and 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Prior to venturing into entrepreneurship, Janet achieved Assistant VP Level in her first job at a U.S. based Bank. Janet has also designed a highly effective Positive Leadership Course tailored for new managers and leaders. Her expertise in leadership coaching and development makes her a valuable asset for empowering leaders and fostering growth within teams.

Laura Villegas wearing glasses and a striped shirt

Laura Villegas, Career & Professional Development Co-Lead

Laura grew up with German Shepherds in a small town in the Colombian Andes and now lives in Olympia. She came to the US in 2007 with an athletic scholarship to study at Montana State University and since has lived in Montana, North Carolina, Washington DC, Idaho and now Washington state. She loves the outdoors and has a strong connection with nature.

Laura is an enthusiastic systems thinker and currently works with the Department of Ecology as market monitor of the state’s Cap-and-Invest program. Laura has a PhD in environment and development economics. She likes to think she remains mostly a sensible and compassionate thinker with a strong hunger for justice, peace, and integrity. Laura's education, along with her personal and professional experience, makes her skeptical of mainstream and hegemonic schools of thought and constantly leads her to question the ethical implications of economic analyses in policy making. She’s grateful to the state of Washington for the opportunity to contribute, through her work, to efforts that are aligned with some of her core values: service, justice, gratitude, and responsibility.

14 hands raised beneath the words "Volunteer - You can make a difference"


WIN is seeking volunteers to take on the following positions: 

Communication - Website Coordinator

The Website Coordinator is responsible for updating WIN’s website with content including uploading images and videos, posting WIN events, and sharing Immigrant Stories on our website.

Mentorship Program - Administrator

The Mentorship Program Administrator helps people connect with resources and support. They work closely with mentors and mentees. They review applications and assign mentees to appropriate mentors.

Both roles report their efforts to the WIN leadership team.

Interested? Email and provide the following details:

  1. Your first and last name
  2. Pronouns (optional)
  3. Email address
  4. Agency/Organization
  5. Why you are interested in serving as the Website Coordinator or Mentorship Program Administrator.

WIN Mentoring Program

WIN Mentoring Program

Washington Immigrant Network Business Resource Group Mentoring Program mentors are current or former state employees that have experience navigating the various routes to state employment and career advancement. Mentors are ready to share their experience with their mentees, whether those mentees are current or prospective state employees.

The program’s goals are to facilitate a more culturally and ethnically diverse state workforce which, in turn, will allow us to serve our customers better, and to retain and support immigrant state employees in an inclusive environment that helps them thrive and advance their careers, as well as recruit new employees from the immigrant community.

Research shows that a good mentor inspires, motivates, stretches, connects, and helps develop your Emotional Intelligence. They also open your mind to your potential and opportunities. A good mentor can also provide a safe space to learn, experiment, and ask questions.

Become a WIN mentee

  • Are you new to state service?
  • Are you seeking guidance on how to manage your career goals?
  • Do you need someone to talk to and share ideas with?

Get support from a WIN mentor. Become a WIN mentee.

  1. Start by meeting our mentors. Review their bios and see if there is someone you would feel comfortable connecting with. 
  2. Establish a formal mentoring relationship by completing our online Mentoring Request Form

Become a WIN Mentor

Mentors must be current or former state employees that have experience navigating the various routes to state employment and career advancement. Mentors must be ready to share their experience with their mentees, whether those mentees are current or prospective state employees. Submit a Mentor Application Form if you are interested in being a WIN Mentor.

Questions? Contact

My Immigrant Story banner

We are pleased to share a few Immigrant Stories submitted by our members.


Betania Spates

Department of Licensing

My mother and stepfather brought me and my family back in 1999 from Brazil. It was a very extreme transition moving from South America to the great Pacific Northwest's totally different culture and lifestyle. We moved here a week before Christmas. It was so dark and cold but being with my immediate family helped with the goal of a better future, the America Dream. After my first job at a gas station and a couple of tries, I got hired in an on-call position for the Department of Licensing to help in the summer. As a good employee, I was accepted at the Tacoma office in a permanent position. I won several awards throughout the years and was part of a few projects including the refugee camps lately. Both my children graduated college. The oldest joined the Army and the youngest owns his own IT company. Everything is possible with hard work, sacrifices and determination.


Susana Tusvik

Cook Manager at Northshore School District

I came as an exchange student. I love the culture. I took History and ESL and graduated with honors from Lathrop High School. I interacted and learned a lot in one year and, after I graduated in my country, I returned to Seattle to look for opportunities and made it: I’m part of Northshore School District. I love my family and my job, and I share my traditions and culture with my coworkers. My son is about to finish his Master’s Degree in International Business. My husband is Norwegian and is retired. I am turning 62 years old, and I hope to retire soon. I reached my American dream.

Your Story Matters

Share Your Immigrant Story

We are collecting Immigrant Stories to highlight in our newsletter, social media, YouTube and website. Fill out our online form to share your Immigrant Story with us and submit a release form.

SmartHealth users: Earn 50 points for sharing your story. Complete the “Immigrant Stories are American Stories” SmartHealth activity today.

Learn more about SmartHealth on HCA’s website and then visit SmartHealth to get started! See for help logging on.

Thank you! We are looking forward to amplifying your story! 

What to do if you are stopped by the police

Daniel Gomez from Department of Licensing shared an important video from the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA). It shows what to do if you are stopped by the police. (Video is in English with Spanish closed captions).

police officer walking towards a stopped vehicle

Click Here to Watch Video


Webinar: Risks of Buying, Investing, and Trading Virtual Currencies

Symbols of international currency swirling around people using computers

Please join us for the next webinar on

September 12th at 1pm




This event is for community leaders and service providers who might have clients that are using virtual currencies (such as crypto) or money transmitter services (like Venmo).

This session will be for 1-hour of education and co-learning. 

No prior knowledge is needed before the session.

  • Empower yourself with knowledge about virtual currencies, money transmission, and FinTech.
  • Learn where virtual currencies, money transmission, and FinTech are and are not regulated.
  • Learn about resources to support clients being informed.
  • Learn about common scams, steps to filing complaints, and success rates for recovering funds.  

This webinar is presented by Ali Higgs and Jeanju Choi of the Washington State Dept. of Financial Institutions.

Webinar website: Webinar Meeting - Risks of Buying, Investing, and Trading Virtual Currencies (

Click here to Register  

The Zoom link will be sent to you after registering.

For more information contact:

Careers website logo

Working for Washington State is work that matters!

For a complete listing of Washington State career opportunities, go to: - Find a Job 

Get Involved with a BRG

BRG Logos

Statewide business resource groups (BRGs) bring together groups of employees and their allies who have a common interest or characteristic. All BRGs have a charter, mission, goals and bylaws and contribute to an overall statewide business strategy. BRG members bring their unique knowledge and perspectives, making them an asset to state business needs, such as recruitment and retention. (

See Business Resource Group Events Calendar