WIN Special Bulletin <<CORRECTED LINKS>>

Washington Immigrant Network Logo - You Belong Here

WIN membership is open to all current and former Washington State Employees

Links to the photo gallery have been updated!

WIN Annual Immigrant Heritage Month Celebration

As mentioned in the newsletter, on June 4th, WIN held our sixth annual gathering in recognition of Immigrant Heritage Month with the theme – Celebrating You!

This was a second hybrid celebration to highlight our lives and achievements through stories, presentations, performance, and art. 

So many people were able to attend! Many wore their traditional cultural clothing, to make it a truly spectacular event. Please check out the photos and video from the event (links below).

Thanks to everyone who organized and attended the event. We'll see you next year!

Click here to visit the photo gallery

Approximately 40 attendees standing together during the Immigrant Heritage Celebration event.

Our friend Gary Lott produced a short video of highlights from the celebration, including remarks from incoming WIN Vice-Chair Roy Salonga and outgoing Chair Christina Pourarien. 

Click here to see the video on YouTube

Screen grab of Christina Pourarien speaking at the Immigrant Heritage Celebration

Get Involved with a BRG

Logos for all statewide BRGs

The Washington Immigrant Network (WIN) is holding its yearly elections for 2024-2025.

There are three openings available:

Two Co-Vice-Chairs and One Secretary

See WIN Leadership Position Descriptions

These roles offer professional development opportunities in leading a statewide program.

The only requirement is your passion to help WIN continue to grow and expand opportunities for immigrants who are current and future employees within Washington state government.

Additional Information

  • WIN BRG is a community of state or former state employee volunteers that serve to expand opportunities for immigrants working in Washington State government.
  • We serve as a resource for all immigrants who are state or former state employees to connect, share, and educate each other and Washington state agencies on the skills, expertise, and cultural value of a diverse workforce to build a culture of belonging.  
  • Serving on our Executive Leadership is considered part of your regular duties and leave is never required. Talk with your supervisor about your capacity to volunteer and serve.  
  • There are no specific times required to service, however, as a co-Vice Chair, you can expect to spend 4 to 6 hours per week connecting, communication, planning, and presenting.
  • Our current leadership team and past chair are committed to training and supporting those taking on the new roles to assure a smooth transition.   
  • We are one of seven Business Resource Groups (BRGs) sponsored by the Office of Financial Management (OFM) and sanctioned to operate as official state business by our Governor.

Those who are interested in serving in a WIN leadership role, please submit your resume and a short statement of interest by Friday, May 31, 2024 to: