WIN Special Bulletin - New WIN Executive Sponsor!

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WIN membership is open to all current and former Washington State Employees

Welcome Cami Feek to WIN

Photo of Cami Feek

WIN’s leadership is thrilled to announce that the Employment Security Department’s (ESD) commissioner, Cami Feek has agreed to be WIN’s new executive sponsor, beginning this February!

WIN’s founder and initial executive sponsor, Lorraine Lee, introduced Cami to WIN when it was first created in 2018. When Lorraine announced her retirement in 2023, she handpicked Cami to take on her role. Lorraine’s decision was based not only on Cami’s years of experience and numerous achievements in state government, but also her genuine belief in WIN’s mission.

“I could see immediately how the group was being developed and just how important it was,” said Cami. “I saw how this BRG was designed to expand opportunities for immigrants within state government, not only for current employees, but future employees as well. That was especially appealing to me because, in my experience, the diversity and richness, culture and thought that it brings to our workplace is significant.

“It's important to me to help us create a culture where there's genuine belonging and pathways for all people to have access to opportunities at state agencies and at the state enterprise level. I’m excited about bringing those things together; they are very much connected for me.”

Along with her contagious enthusiasm, Cami also brings 28 years of state government experience and knowledge to WIN. “I know how to navigate the systems, and I think it really puts me in a position to help and support, to bring that knowledge and experience to the group. I have a position that can bring a voice and potential visibility to be able to say “Hey, wait a minute, this isn't right! We gotta figure out how to change this!” Sometimes, those are things that are within our control, and we can and should do something. And sometimes it's figuring out who needs to advocate for us for a federal change or for the Legislature to change it. I'm excited to be able to do that.”

Cami is a supporter and participant of ESD’s mentorship program, and she is excited that WIN has its own similar program. “I grew up playing sports. I coached soccer and, for me, coaching is a lot like mentoring. It's really how to support people to support their needs, find their strengths, and nurture their training and growth.”

As WIN’s new executive sponsor, Cami intends to lead WIN using Lorraine’s ideals and mission. “I'm just so humbled to get to continue the legacy that Lorraine started and to be that helping hand to the WIN leadership team and members. I want to help WIN build that confidence, navigate public service and create pathways where everybody can thrive. I always have an open door. As we move forward and develop relationships, I hope I get to know folks and show them that I'm genuinely here for them.”

Please join us in welcoming Cami Feek at our next General Membership meeting from noon to1 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 6.


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Statewide business resource groups (BRGs) bring together groups of employees and their allies who have a common interest or characteristic. All BRGs have a charter, mission, goals and bylaws and contribute to an overall statewide business strategy. BRG members bring their unique knowledge and perspectives, making them an asset to state business needs, such as recruitment and retention. (

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General Membership is open to all current Washington State employees, including full-time, part-time, hourly, and salaried employees who are committed to supporting and advancing the mission of WIN.

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