Notice of Introduction and Public Hearing for Senate Bill 5831 - 10 Year Analysis Complete

Office of Financial Management

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SB 5831, titled AN ACT Relating to providing permanent registration for vintage snowmobiles, has been introduced in the Senate. The Office of Financial Management has identified this bill as requiring a ten-year projection of increased cost to the taxpayers or affected fee payers.

Ten-year projection:

Department of Licensing:

Indeterminate --- It is not known how many individuals owning a qualifying snowmobile might opt to register the snowmobile as a permanent vintage snowmobile.  Assume that an indeterminate number of vintage snowmobiles will be registered as permanent vintage snowmobiles and pay the $70 fee.  These permanent vintage snowmobiles will no longer be required to have an annual registration and will not be available for DOL to determine the amount of moneys paid to it as motor vehicle fuel tax that is tax on snowmobile fuel transferred into the Snowmobile Account (01M) under RCW 46.10.530. Therefore, the amount of fuel tax revenue transferred will be reduced at a rate of $0.349 per 135 gallons for each of the permanent vintage snowmobiles no longer annually registered. 


Depending on the participation rate by registered owners of qualifying snowmobiles who may opt for a permanent vintage snowmobile registration the following assumptions would likely apply...  

-- The effective date of this legislation and new permanent vintage snowmobile fee is October 1, 2024 and it is assumed that revenue impact for FY 2025 will be a full year since snowmobile registrations expire as of September 30th each year.

-- The permanent vintage snowmobile fee would be in addition to the filing fee required under RCW 46.17.005, and any other fee or tax required by law.

-- A majority of vintage snowmobile registration transactions are conducted by subagents.  The services fee as well as $23.84 of the $70 permanent vintage snowmobile fee would likely be retained by the subagent rather than distributed to the Capital Vessel Replacement Account (18J).  In addition, it is assumed that the filing fee as well as $8.91 of the $70 permanent vintage snowmobile fee would likely be retained by the County Auditors rather than distributed to the Highway Safety Fund (106) and Multimodal Account (218) under RCW 46.68.400.


See attached fiscal note for table of potential impacts.


Ten-year projection prepared in consultation with the following agencies:

Department of Licensing

Bill sponsors and contact information:

Legislative Bill Information Website:

Initiative 960 Website:



You are receiving this email as a subscriber to the Initiative 960 email list. RCW 43.135.031 (I-960) requires that notices be sent each time a bill that raises taxes or fees is: introduced in either house; scheduled for a public hearing; approved by any legislative committee; or passed by either house of the Legislature.

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SB 5831, titled AN ACT Relating to providing permanent registration for vintage snowmobiles, has been scheduled for a public hearing by the Senate Committee on Transportation.

Date and Time: 01/18/2024 4:00PM (Subject to change by the Legislature.)
Location: J.A. Cherberg, Senate Hearing Rm 1 and Virtual, Olympia, WA

The Office of Financial Management has identified this bill as requiring a ten-year projection of increased cost to the taxpayers or affected fee payers.

Ten-year projection:

Department of Licensing:

Indeterminate --- It is not known how many individuals owning a qualifying snowmobile might opt to register the snowmobile as a permanent vintage snowmobile.  Assume that an indeterminate number of vintage snowmobiles will be registered as permanent vintage snowmobiles and pay the $70 fee.  These permanent vintage snowmobiles will no longer be required to have an annual registration and will not be available for DOL to determine the amount of moneys paid to it as motor vehicle fuel tax that is tax on snowmobile fuel transferred into the Snowmobile Account (01M) under RCW 46.10.530. Therefore, the amount of fuel tax revenue transferred will be reduced at a rate of $0.349 per 135 gallons for each of the permanent vintage snowmobiles no longer annually registered. 


Depending on the participation rate by registered owners of qualifying snowmobiles who may opt for a permanent vintage snowmobile registration the following assumptions would likely apply...  

-- The effective date of this legislation and new permanent vintage snowmobile fee is October 1, 2024 and it is assumed that revenue impact for FY 2025 will be a full year since snowmobile registrations expire as of September 30th each year.

-- The permanent vintage snowmobile fee would be in addition to the filing fee required under RCW 46.17.005, and any other fee or tax required by law.

-- A majority of vintage snowmobile registration transactions are conducted by subagents.  The services fee as well as $23.84 of the $70 permanent vintage snowmobile fee would likely be retained by the subagent rather than distributed to the Capital Vessel Replacement Account (18J).  In addition, it is assumed that the filing fee as well as $8.91 of the $70 permanent vintage snowmobile fee would likely be retained by the County Auditors rather than distributed to the Highway Safety Fund (106) and Multimodal Account (218) under RCW 46.68.400.


See attached fiscal note for table of potential impacts.


Ten-year projection prepared in consultation with the following agencies:

Department of Licensing

Bill sponsors and contact information:

Senate Committee on Transportation members and contact information:

Legislative Bill Information Website:

Initiative 960 Website: