Notice of Introduction for House Bill 1939 - 10 Year Analysis Complete

Office of Financial Management

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HB 1939, titled AN ACT Relating to adopting the social work licensure compact, has been introduced in the House of Representatives. The Office of Financial Management has identified this bill as requiring a ten-year projection of increased cost to the taxpayers or affected fee payers.

Ten-year projection:


   Social Worker Compact

























Washington State Patrol:

Projected cash receipts to the Washington State Patrol (WSP) are indeterminate due to the effective date being indeterminate.


Per section 4(2), member states of the compact are required to implement procedures for considering criminal history records of applicants, including a federal and applicable state agency fingerprint (or other biometric) based check. Section 15 of the proposed legislation states the bill does not go into effect until the seventh state adopts the legislation, so we are unable to know exactly when cash receipts will begin, however the Department of Health is able to estimate there will be 1,740 new background checks requested annually. Assuming electronic submissions, the fingerprint processing fee is $34.25. Of that $34.25 fee, $11.25 covers the Federal Bureau of Investigation's fee, while $23 is deposited into the State Fingerprint Identification Account for covering costs incurred in our Criminal Records Division. Total annual revenue is projected to be $40,020 annually once the bill is in effect.


Ten-year projection prepared in consultation with the following agencies:

Washington State Patrol
Department of Health

Bill sponsors and contact information:

Legislative Bill Information Website:

Initiative 960 Website: