ERDC continues to focus on our priorities related to strengthening our technical environment, effective communication and outreach, developing a clear research vision for ERDC, and maintaining a strong data governance program. A couple of key projects that ERDC team members have been working on to meet our goals include:
Near Term Modernization Project. This is a continuation of the P20W Data System Study that ERDC completed this spring. As a follow-up, ERDC was awarded a one-year grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to support our Near-Term Modernization Project, which focuses on improving the usability and maintenance of ERDC's public website and expanding existing resources like data marts, data dictionaries, and other tools that help staff and customers better understand what data is available.
Research Agenda Development and Working Group. ERDC convened representatives from over 30 organizations to establish a cross-sector coalition comprising of researchers, state education agency representatives, and community based organizations. The group gathered throughout the summer and collectively articulated over 200 research questions. Learn more about the who, how, and why ERDC convened this group. Stay tuned this fall for the finalized ERDC Research Agenda!
ERDC team members have been out across the state and country sharing our work and learning how our P20W data warehouse can meet the diverse needs of our users.
Some recent highlights of our various engagements include:
- Presenting on the P20W data system study, NSC data linking, and long-term outcomes related to students either receiving special education services or considered multilingual learners at STATS DC. STATS-DC was in Bethesda, Maryland, in early August. Staff from ERDC also enjoyed connecting with other Washingtonians at STATS-DC, including staff from OSPI and PESB (see photo).
- Speaking on a panel at the National Association of State Workforce Agencies in Los Angeles on the topic of linking K12 to workforce data. We covered ERDC measures, how we communicate, and how we enable data sharing.
- Connecting with educational leaders through the Harvard Strategic Data Partnership Fall Workshop in Washington, D.C.
- Participating in a Southeast Asian American Education Coalition Community Convening: Data in Dialogue at Highline College.
- Talking dual credit data in Moses Lake with the SBCTC Research and Planning Commission (RPC).
- Sharing an overview of our work in Everett to the Washington State Commission on African American Affairs.
Do you want to see your group on this list? Invite us to a future meeting by reaching out at
Washington Public Postsecondary Enrollment Trends. Washington Student Achievement Council collaborated with ERDC on a recent report looking at enrollment trends from Fall 2022. Thus far, the decline in college enrollment is impacting some populations more than others. The report's analysis of state data provides insights on enrollment trends at public institutions in Washington during the pandemic.
2023 WSAC Transfer Report includes information on credit accumulation, credit transfer, enrollment, graduation, and time to degree of transfer students; how those outcomes compare to those of direct entry students; and the extent to which outcomes differ by students’ demographic and academic characteristics.
PEI Workgroup. Members of the Project Education Impact team and ERDC researchers worked together to analyze data to understand the experience and outcomes of students who have experienced homelessness or foster care. The data generated from this collaboration was included in the 2023 PEI Legislative report. The analysis for the 2024 report will include students who exit institutional education per the new legislation (HB 1679).
OFM is looking for someone to lead our Forecasting and Research Division. Apply here.
ERDC is just one of the teams that this position will oversee. This leader will be extensively involved in legislatively mandated and grant funded research, federal and state population estimates and forecasts, numerous state and federal grant-funded programs, and research to support the needs of diverse communities. Our division also provides research support to agency management based on administrative data and external non-program information including data from a unique longitudinal database of education data, the Washington input-output table (which the division updates and maintains), the multi-agency tax database (which the division updates and maintains), the American Community Survey, Washington All-Payer Claims Database, hospital discharge and deaths data.
ICYMI: ERDC Dual Credit Dashboard & Report
ERDC has created a brand new data product, the Dual Credit Dashboard. This tool helps users to explore the question, "How many WA public high school students take and earn K-12 credits in dual credit courses?" Check it out!