Notice of Introduction for Senate Bill 5386 - Update: 10 Year Analysis Complete

Office of Financial Management

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SB 5386, titled AN ACT Relating to reducing administrative complexity by increasing transparency of revenue flows for activities funded by document recording fees, has been introduced in the Senate. The Office of Financial Management has identified this bill as requiring a ten-year projection of increased cost to the taxpayers or affected fee payers.

Ten-year projection:

Department of Commerce:

I-960 Implications - No change to current fee totals:


Section 1 adds a new section that consolidates four existing document recording fees used to fund homelessness and affordable housing into a single fee and consolidates allowable activities. 


Section 2 amends RCW 43.185C.060 removing references to separate fees that are repealed and replaced by a single fee in Section 1 and eliminates an audit of a requirement that was repealed.


Section 3 adds a new section that repeals the separate fees that are replaced by a single fee in Section 1.



Cash Receipts Impact - No change to cash receipt totals:


Section 1 adds a new section that consolidates four existing document recording fees used to fund homelessness and affordable housing into a single fee and consolidates allowable activities. 


Section 2 amends RCW 43.185C.060 removing references to separate fees that are repealed and replaced by a single fee in Section 1 and eliminates an audit of a requirement that was repealed.


Section 3 adds a new section that repeals the separate fees that are replaced by a single fee in Section 1.


Ten-year projection prepared in consultation with the following agencies:

Department of Commerce

Bill sponsors and contact information:

Senator June Robinson, Prime Sponsor
(360) 786-7674

Senator Patty Kuderer
(360) 786-7694

Senator Rebecca Saldaña
(360) 786-7688

Senator Claire Wilson
(360) 786-7658

Legislative Bill Information Website:

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