Notice of Introduction for Senate Bill 5335 - Update: 10 Year Analysis Complete

Office of Financial Management

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SB 5335, titled AN ACT Relating to health care financing and development of the Washington health trust to ensure that all Washington residents can enroll in nonprofit health insurance coverage providing an essential set of health benefits, including medical, dental, vision, and prescription drug benefits, has been introduced in the Senate. The Office of Financial Management has identified this bill as requiring a ten-year projection of increased cost to the taxpayers or affected fee payers.

Ten-year projection:


   Long-term Capital Gains Tax

























Employment Security Department:

SB 5335 establishes the Washington Health Trust. This bill impacts several agencies and has a high impact to the Employment Security Department (ESD) by requiring ESD to collect employee revenue to deposit into a health trust account, named the Washington Health Trust, for the purpose of paying for health care services.


The totality of premium collection described in Part 1 of the bill and collection of assessments described in Part 2 of the bill is indeterminate.


Part II of the bill specifies that Employment Security Department (ESD) will begin collecting premiums, established in section 107, and deposited into the benefits account described in section 123 of the act, on 3/1/24. The premium rate is to be established by the Board of Trustees by 11/1/24. Since the rate is not defined, ESD is unable to estimate cash receipts resulting from premium collections. Section 202 specifies that ESD will collect a Health Security Assessment of 10.5% of an employee’s wages less the employer's health care expenditures for that employee during the same reporting period. Section 203 specifies that ESD will collect a Personal Health Assessment of 2% of employees aggregate adjusted quarterly payroll. ESD is unable to begin collecting premiums by 3/1/24 and assumes in all fiscal estimates that premium collection will begin on the same timeline as the Health Security and Personal Health Assessments-- employers begin collecting premiums 1/1/27 and submitting remittance to ESD quarterly beginning 4/1/27. 


The cash receipts estimate for the Health Security and Personal Health assessments are based on Paid Leave administrative data, the Bureau of Economic Analysis and the Economic and Revenue Forecast Council wage and salary forecast. Since data is not available with which to estimate the impact on receipts, the estimates exclude small employer hardship opt outs. There is no reliable data to support how many ESD expect, rules set for how long the opt out period is, nor how much of a reduction these employers would receive. These estimates make no adjustment for any employer's health care expenditures for employees during that same reporting period. 


Employer/Employee assessments begin Jan 1, 2027, but are reported the month following the end of the quarter. Thus, the first collections will be Q2 of 2027. ESD assumes that employers will deduct the maximum 2% from employees’ wages and that the rate is stated at the maximum of 10.5% for all years. These estimates should be treated as the upper bounds of how much assessment revenue ESD could expect to collect from employers and sole proprietors.



SB 5335: Estimated Assessment Revenue


Fiscal  Year         Max Total Assessment       Max Sole Prop              Max Empl           Maximum Employee Assessment

FY23                                    0                                    0                        0                                      0

FY24                                         0                                 0                        0                                     0

FY25                                         0                                0                              0                                0

FY26                                         0                               0                               0                                0

FY27                      9,588,858,748                                0                       7,762,409,462                        1,826,449,285

FY28                    40,415,395,222             1,101,074,357                     31,825,878,796                    7,488,442,070

FY29                    42,436,164,984             1,156,128,075                     33,417,172,735                    7,862,864,173

FY30                    44,557,973,233             1,213,934,479                     35,088,031,372                    8,256,007,382

FY31                    46,785,871,894             1,274,631,203                     36,842,432,941                    8,668,807,751

FY32                    49,125,165,489             1,338,362,763                     38,684,554,588                    9,102,248,138

FY33                    51,581,423,764             1,405,280,901                     40,618,782,317                    9,557,360,545


Department of Health:

The cash receipts impact of this bill is indeterminate.


The maximum monthly premium enrollee must pay for the “essential” healthcare benefits provided by this Trust is $200 per-member-per-month (Sec. 111(3)). The bill sets forth criteria that would lower or eliminate the monthly premium for certain individuals based on age, dual eligibility for Medicare and Medicaid, tribal affiliation, employment status, and/or financial need (Sec. 111(1)(a) & (b), (2), (4), (5), (6)).


To estimate the amount of cash receipts, the department would need to know the number of individuals who will enroll in the Trust and how many individuals that enroll meet the criteria that would lower or eliminate their monthly premium.


Ten-year projection prepared in consultation with the following agencies:

Department of Revenue
Department of Health
Employment Security Department

Bill sponsors and contact information:

Senator Bob Hasegawa, Prime Sponsor
(360) 786-7616

Senator Sam Hunt
(360) 786-7642

Senator Marko Liias
(360) 786-7640

Senator Joe Nguyen
(360) 786-7667

Senator Derek Stanford
(360) 786-7600

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