:Notice of Introduction for Senate Bill 5329 - Update : 10 Year Analysis Complete

Office of Financial Management

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SB 5329, titled AN ACT Relating to fees at campuses other than the main campus, has been introduced in the Senate. The Office of Financial Management has identified this bill as requiring a ten-year projection of increased cost to the taxpayers or affected fee payers.

Ten-year projection:



























Community/Technical College System:

For mandatory and special fees charged to students at campuses other than the main campus, the fee must be specific to the campus the student attends, or that a comparable level of service is available to the student responsible for the fee.  Part-time students shall be charged mandatory fees proportionate to full-time students.


As drafted, this bill would have an indeterminate and possibly modest, negative fiscal impact on the cash receipts of some colleges.  


In section 2 of the bill, terms such as “reasonably available” and “proportionate to full-time student rates” could be interpreted in a number of ways.  I is assumed that if some students are exempt from paying all or part of the mandatory fees, the costs for remaining students would likely increase.  


Additionally, it is possible that the definition of mandatory fees could impact certain mandatory waivers and result in the loss of additional fee revenue.


Eastern Washington University:

If the number of students charged for the Pence Union Building and University Recreation Center student voted fees significantly declines, Eastern will be required to ensure compliance with the bond covenants through other revenue sources. Eastern is unable to determine the impact due to the variables including enrollment and the student population.  


This change will not have any impacts on any others fees.


University of Washington:

This bill concerns fees charged to students at the UW. Required Student Fees are described on the UW’s Office of Planning and Budgeting website: https://www.washington.edu/opb/tuition-fees/required-student-fees/. Many fee rates are imposed and/or controlled by student committees (e.g., SAF, STF, UPASS) and fees are reviewed every year during the UW's Annual Budget Development process, ultimately requiring Regental approval. Revenues are also dependent on student enrollment (FTE and Part-time). Thus, calculating future fee revenues is highly indeterminate.


Ten-year projection prepared in consultation with the following agencies:

University of Washington
Eastern Washington University
The Evergreen State College
Community/Technical College System

Bill sponsors and contact information:

Senator Marko Liias, Prime Sponsor
(360) 786-7640

Senator Jeff Holy
(360) 786-7610

Senator T'wina Nobles
(360) 786-7654

Senator Claire Wilson
(360) 786-7658

Legislative Bill Information Website: http://apps.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/

Initiative 960 Website: http://www.ofm.wa.gov/tax/default.asp