ERDC News, Spring- 2023


ERDC Collaborations

Over the past few months, ERDC collaborated with key partners to expand the awareness of ERDC's P20W system and gain feedback on how ERDC products can benefit diverse partners across the state. A few highlights include:

  • ERDC co-presented with OSPI's Center for the Improvement of Student Learning at the Washington Education Research Association Spring Symposium. We shared ERDC tools with K12 district leaders and sought feedback to inform our research agenda development.
  • ERDC is initiating the next Dual Credit workgroup to support the 2023 report (under HB 1867). 
  • The Research Agenda Working Group will officially start in April and run through August. ERDC will take their recommendations to finalize a research agenda this fall.
  • As part of our federal Statewide Longitudinal Data System grant, ERDC also attended the SLDS P-20 Best Practices Conference. We co-presented with OSPI on Washington's changes to the collection of race and ethnicity data and how our reporting processes will need to evolve to maintain student privacy while increasing transparency.

ERDC Data Digest: Direct Enrollment

The direct enrollment rate in Washington has declined by 9 percentage points between 2019 and 2021. Check out our Data Digest to view counts of high graduates, two-year direct enrollment, and four-year direct enrollment over the last 16 years.

Figure 1: WA Public K-12 Graduate & Direct Enrollment Totals

P20W Data System Study Update

In the last two months, we held 25 discovery sessions with 75 participants from 35 different organizations, including Washington state government agencies and educational institutions who share and analyze P20W data, community organizations who conduct research (or plan to) using P20W data from ERDC, internal OFM staff, and external funding partners. This one-page summary highlights the observations from the discovery sessions, along with the overarching vision and goals that ERDC hopes to accomplish through this study. This spring, we are working with the Gartner team to identify recommendations and next steps to improve ERDC’s P20W Data System. Follow the System Study progress here.

ERDC Data in Action & Partner Products

  • Transfer Students. Last year, ERDC participated in the Washington Transfer Equity Project, facilitated by the Washington Student Achievement Council. Read the summary from this collaborative effort.
  • Postsecondary Enrollment. The Washington Student Achievement Council’s latest Research Spotlight describes how the pandemic impacted direct enrollment in the state.

  • Child Care and Early Learning Need and Supply Data. DCYF and Washington STEM partnered to create a tool that reflects the current state of Washington’s child care capacity and demand. View the dashboard.

  • Basic Needs for Postsecondary Students. In Fall 2022, students at 39 colleges and universities across Washington State participated in a survey administered by Western Washington University in partnership with the Washington Student
    Achievement Council. Read the report.

Do you have a report or product that used ERDC data? We'd love to share it on our website! Please send the name of the report and a link to Check out our expanding list here.

In case you missed it...