Update: 10 Year Analysis Complete for House Bill 1641

Office of Financial Management

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UPDATE: The 10 year analysis for HB 1641, titled AN ACT Relating to enacting policy solutions to address public health challenges of high-potency cannabis products, has been completed. The Office of Financial Management has identified this bill as requiring a ten-year projection of increased cost to the taxpayers or affected fee payers.

Ten-year projection:

Liquor and Cannabis Board:

Section 1(1)(a): There is levied and collected a cannabis excise tax equal to:

      (i)  37 percent of the selling price on each retail sale in this state of cannabis-infused products, useable cannabis with a THC concentration less than 35 percent, and cannabis concentrates with a THC concentration less than 35 percent;

     (ii)  50 percent of the selling price on each retail sale in this state of cannabis concentrates and useable cannabis with a THC concentration of 35 percent or greater but less than 60 percent; and

     (iii) 65 percent of the selling price on each retail sale in this state of cannabis concentrates and useable cannabis with a THC concentration greater than 60 percent.



The agency's Cannabis Central Reporting System (CCRS) has the capability for cannabis retailers to report THC percentages on sales to consumers, however, licensees are not required to utilize this functionality and it appears it is used less than 1/10th of the time. Thus, the agency does not have enough data to make an analysis regarding the impact of changing the cannabis excise tax structure would have, so the impact is indeterminate.


Section 3(1)(c):

     (i) Retail outlets may not sell a cannabis product with greater than 35 percent total tetrahydrocannabinol to a person who is under age 25 who is not a qualifying patient or designated provider.  Violations of subsection (1)(c) are subject to penalties. The agency makes no assumptions regarding increase in penalty revenue.


Ten-year projection prepared in consultation with the following agencies:

Liquor and Cannabis Board

Bill sponsors and contact information:

Representative Lauren Davis, Prime Sponsor
(360) 786-7910

Representative Tom Dent
(360) 786-7932

Representative Mari Leavitt
(360) 786-7890

Representative Paul Harris
(360) 786-7976

Representative Lisa Callan
(360) 786-7876

Representative Carolyn Eslick
(360) 786-7816

Representative Amy Walen
(360) 786-7848

Representative Lillian Ortiz-Self
(360) 786-7972

Representative Alex Ramel
(360) 786-7970

Representative Alicia Rule
(360) 786-7980

Representative Mia Gregerson
(360) 786-7868

Representative Gerry Pollet
(360) 786-7886

Legislative Bill Information Website: http://apps.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/

Initiative 960 Website: http://www.ofm.wa.gov/tax/default.asp