January 18, 2022 Newsletter
A Message from Our Executive Director
Welcome to the first edition of our electronic newsletter! We are excited to have the opportunity to connect directly with our community and share with you updates, opportunities, and important information on LGBTQ issues in our state.
The Washington State LGBTQ Commission was established with the mission of improving the state’s interface with the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, two-spirit, and intersex community, identify the needs of its members, and ensuring that there is an effective means of advocating for LGBTQ equity in all aspects of state government. (RCW 43.114) Upon being established, the Commissioners defined our vision as such: “The Washington State LGBTQ Commission envisions a state where every two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex Washingtonian of any age feels safe, supported, and empowered.” It is important for the Commission to bring the voice of the LGBTQ community whenever public policy that affects our communities is being discussed. The Commission collaborates with state agencies, the Legislature, local jurisdictions, and the public in general, to ensure that the needs of our LGBTQ community are prioritized.
It is our hope that you find this newsletter useful. As the Legislative Session is underway, we will share updates on legislation that affects our community. We will also share information on our regular public meetings, town halls, and other opportunities to connect and share your ideas, concerns, and needs with us. Please feel free to share this newsletter with your networks, and to encourage others to subscribe through this link. We look forward to continuing being in contact with you!
In Solidarity,
The Washington State LGBTQ Commission will host its January public meeting on Friday, January 21st from 10:00 am – 12:30 pm. This will be virtual meeting, free and open to the public. The general public can watch the meeting live through our YouTube channel here or access it through this link.
Please note that the agenda and other materials for the meeting will be made available no later than 24 hours prior to the event through our website here.
The LGBTQ Commission identifies legislative priorities annually and works with our Legislative Advisors and other legislators to advance bills that expand the rights of the community.
The current bills being monitored for 2022-22 so far are:
- Prescription drug affordability board
- Medicaid coverage of HIV drugs
- Possession of vapor, vapor products, tobacco, and tobacco products by minors (large percentage of LGBTQ+ youth affected)
- Keeping Department of Children, Youth, and Families working through an equity lens
- Decriminalization of sex work
- Increasing access to infertility treatment
- Increasing diversity, equity, and mental health at community and technical colleges
- Preserving abortion care rights
- You can find a full list of the bills we are watching in the 2022 session through this link.
The LGBTQ and ally community in Washington has several ways to be involved in advocating for issues that are important to us. Here are some tools you can use:
Contact Your Legislator
Find Your Legislator: Enter your address to find your current legislative and congressional district.
- Legislative Hotline: 1-800-562-6000 (TTY for Hearing Impaired 1-800-635-9993). Callers to the Hotline can leave a brief message for their district legislators, Governor or Lt. Governor on issues of concern or on questions they may have about bills or laws. For non-English speaking callers, the Hotline offers interpreter services for many languages.
E-mail: Click a legislator’s name to go to the e-mail form for that legislator
Visiting the Legislature: Information about directions, parking, Capitol Campus activities and events, and tours.
Bill Information
Bill Information: Find out the latest information on a piece of legislation.
Legislative Process: Learn how a bill becomes a law.
How to Testify in Committee: Your opportunity to testify comes at the committee hearings. If you cannot appear before a committee, contact your legislator making your position on a bill known.
TVW: Washington’s public affairs network, providing gavel-to-gavel coverage of Washington State Legislature sessions and coverage of the Washington State Supreme Court and public affairs events.
The Washington State Healthy Youth Survey
The Washington State Healthy Youth Survey (HYS) is a collaborative research study conducted by the Health Care Authority, Department of Health, Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Liquor and Cannabis Board. The HYS provides invaluable data to Washington CPWIs as well as countless additional statewide partners such as universities, health programs, schools, and more. The HYS focuses on health risk behaviors, such as violence and alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use that can result in injury and impact positive development among youth.
The HYS includes questions that have historically been included on a removable portion of the survey. These topics are only asked of students in grades 8 – 12 and include:
- Sexual Orientation
- Gender Identity
- Sexual Behavior
- Experiences of Sexual Violence
The Healthy Youth Survey Planning Committee is collecting statewide partner feedback to explore the current reasons in support of or potential barriers to asking the sexual orientation, gender identity, sexual behavior, and experiences of sexual violence questions on the HYS. For those seeking to share their perspective on these topics, please complete this brief, voluntary survey by January 21, 2022. Please consider sharing this survey with your local community members and leaders. To view 2021 and prior HYS questionnaires, please visit: https://www.askhys.net/Survey
Please note: This is an opportunity for you to be heard by the HYS Planning Committee. This survey is not associated with your local school. If you have questions or concerns please contact the Planning Committee directly at Healthy.Youth@doh.wa.gov
DCYF Rulemaking Process for LGBTQIA+ Youth in Foster Care
The Department of Children, Youth, and Families has filed proposed rules that define and use LGBTQIA+ terms, reaffirm that foster care providers must comply with federal and state nondiscrimination laws, complete LGBTQIA+ culture training, and support and engage with all children in their care with dignity and respect regardless of actual or perceived race, ethnicity, culture, sex, or sexual orientation and gender identity. Additionally, the proposed rules update the standards for shared bedrooms based on a child’s gender identity.
DCYF is taking comments on the proposed rules through January 25. The best way to comment is through our online portal.
Say It Out Loud Conference
We ARE Family
Honoring and recognizing the many structures and diverse expressions of families, biological and chosen.
The 2022 Annual SIOL Conference will be Virtual
Thursday, May 26
 The Saying It Out Loud (SIOL) Conference focuses on information sharing and networking to improve behavioral health services and decrease disparities faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ+) individuals. The conference strives to provide space to educate and share knowledge with attendees to better serve and support LGBTQ+ individuals and their families. Find out more about the SIOL conference by visiting this link.
Jobs Opportunities for LGBTQ Washingtonians
Check out the list of job opportunities for the community on our Careers Opportunities page by visiting this link.
We are excited to share job postings sent to the LGBTQ Commission. There are three requirements to be included on our page:
- The job needs to be able to be done in Washington State (virtual works)
- The business must have an inclusivity and/or equal opportunity statement
- The job posting must include a salary range.
Please send any job opportunity to share with the community to our Program Manager, Tracey Carlos (she/her) to tracey.carlos@lgbtq.wa.gov