House Introduction Notice for 2609 HB

Office of Financial Management

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HB 2609, titled AN ACT Relating to modernizing and clarifying in-state distilled spirits production licenses and fees, has been introduced in the House of Representatives. The Office of Financial Management has identified this bill as requiring a ten-year projection of increased cost to the taxpayers or affected fee payers.

Ten-year projection:

This bill creates a number of new licenses, permits, endorsements, and excise fees on spirits distillers. The Liquor and Cannabis Board estimates that the impact of these will be revenue-neutral since this bill is designed to replace the existing distillery framework, but the true impact of these changes is indeterminate. The Board also anticipates there could be an increase in the number of special occasion licenses and permits issued simply because there will be more locations available to have these events. However, the number is unknown and the impact is still indeterminate. The bill also creates a retail license issuance fee credit for Distilled Spirits Producers. The credit varies depending on the percentage of raw materials used in production, that were grown in Washington state. The effect of this credit is indeterminate as the Board does not have data on raw materials used in production.


The new license types, endorsements, excise fees, and credits are listed below.


     Operational Premises Permit - $100/year per location
     Distilled Spirits Brand Owner (small) - $2,500/year
     Distilled Spirits Brand Owner (large) - $5,000/year
     Distilled Spirits Producer (small) - $300/year
     Distilled Spirits Producer (medium) - $1,000/year
     Distilled Spirits Producer (large) - $5,000/year
     Merchant Bottlers (small) - $2,500/year
     Merchant Bottlers (large) - $5,000/year


Endorsements to a Distilled Spirits Producer license:
     Offsite tasting rooms (1st off-site) - $100/year
     Offsite tasting rooms (additional) - $1,000/year per location
     Unlimited warehousing - $100/year
     Hosting licensed or permitted events - $100/year
     Selling/serving samples or bottles at festivals and farmers markets - $100/year
     Farmers Market endorsement - $25/year per farmers market


Excise Fees
     Merchant Bottler Production Excise Fee - $.25/liter
     Distilled Spirits Brand Owner Bond Removal Excise Fee - $.25/liter


Retail license issuance fee credit for Distilled Spirits Producers (percent of raw materials grown in Washington state that are used for production of spirits)
     90% to 100% - 100% credit against the 17% fee
     50% to 90% - 75% credit against the 17% fee
     0% to 50% - 50% credit against the 17% fee


Bill sponsors and contact information:

Representative Gael Tarleton, Prime Sponsor
(360) 786-7860

Representative Jesse Young
Gig Harbor
(360) 786-7964

Representative Brandon Vick
(360) 786-7850

Representative Michelle Caldier
Port Orchard
(360) 786-7802

Representative Pat Sullivan
(360) 786-7858

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