Clean Fuel Standard Rulemaking Updates
Ecology has released updated CFS draft rule text for public review and informal comments. You can learn more about the proposed changes using the links below:
Changes Summary: This document summarizes changes made since the initial draft release in August, including detailed explanations for rule amendments related to:
- Book-and-claim and mass balance accounting
- Avoided methane crediting
- The use of electrolytic hydrogen as a feedstock for alternative aviation and marine fuels
- Other updates to Part 6 of the rule related to fuel pathways and carbon intensity values
- Restructuring of capacity credits for zero emission vehicle infrastructure and other miscellaneous changes
Full Draft Rule Language: This document contains the full draft rule text, including comments briefly explaining each change. Changes since August are marked "NEW".
December Workshops and Comment Period
We are holding two public workshops in early December to discuss the rule updates. As with the prior engagement periods, the workshops will cover the same content, and you do not need to register for both. Please sign up using the links below:
Workshop 1: December 5, 2-4PM PST
Workshop 2: December 11, 10AM-noon PST
In addition, we are accepting informal comments through December 13th, at 11:59PM via the linked portal.
Timeline and Contact Information
Following this workshop and comment period, we plan to begin internal preparations for the official rule proposal, also known as the CR-102 filing. That filing is now expected to occur in late February or early March 2025 and will begin our formal comment and public hearing process. Rule adoption is now expected to occur in Summer 2025.
If you have any questions about the rulemaking or would like to meet with CFS staff, please contact Adam Saul, CFS Rule Lead, at adam.saul@ecy.wa.gov. For general inquiries about the CFS program, please email cfs@ecy.wa.gov
Thank you!