The Washington Department of Ecology has received inquiries about the potential effects of Initiative 2117 on the continued operation of the Compliance Instrument Tracking System Service (CITSS).
In order to inform all market participants in an equitable manner, we are providing the following statement:
CITSS is operated by the Western Climate Initiative, Inc. (“WCI”) under a contract with Ecology that currently extends through June 30, 2025. In the event that Initiative 2117 becomes law, requiring Ecology to exit the WCI and withdraw from CITSS, the contract’s termination and withdrawal provisions require 90-days’ notice before terminating the contract. The contract also requires WCI and Ecology develop a plan of withdrawal prior to termination.
Withdrawing from CITSS would take at least three months and Ecology expects the CITSS platform to remain functional throughout that time. The exact date that CITSS would be disabled depends on the specifics of a withdrawal plan to be developed by Ecology and WCI. In the event that Initiative 2117 is passed, Ecology will provide market participants reasonable notification of the last date that CITSS can be accessed for Washington registered entities.
Caroline Halter
Climate Pollution Reduction Program Communications Manager