In 2021, the Washington Legislature passed the Climate Commitment Act (CCA), which established a Cap-and-Invest Program to help Washington meet its statutory greenhouse gas (GHG) emission limits.
To align with the requirements of the CCA, this rulemaking is proposing amendments to Chapter 173-441 WAC (Reporting of Emissions of Greenhouse Gases) and Chapter 173-446 WAC (Climate Commitment Act Program Rule).
The purpose of these updates is to help determine which electricity importers from centralized electricity markets should be covered under the Cap-and-Invest program. This rule does not modify eligibility criteria for inclusion under the Cap-and-Invest program. Supporting changes to the Reporting of Emissions of Greenhouse Gases rule (Chapter 173-441 WAC) will ensure that appropriate data are available.
The proposal applies to existing and future centralized electricity markets including the Energy Imbalance Market (EIM), the Extended Day Ahead Market (EDAM), and the Markets+ initiative underway by the Southwest Power Pool. The proposal also addresses other issues related to the reporting of greenhouse gas emissions for entities importing electricity to Washington.
Specifically, this rulemaking proposes to provide:
- A framework for addressing imports of electricity from specified sources through centralized electricity markets.
- A process for identifying the electricity importer for imported electricity from centralized electricity markets.
- Methods for assigning GHG emissions to imports of electricity from centralized electricity markets.
- Equitable treatment across and between bilateral and centralized electricity markets.
- Clarity for non-substantive administrative and process-related changes and to harmonize the rule with recent statutory changes.
Read rulemaking materials
You are invited to review and provide comments on the following rulemaking documents:
Anticipated adoption date
December 3, 2024
Public comment period
You are invited to comment on the rulemaking documents from June 27, 2024, 12:00 a.m., through August 20, 2024, 11:59 p.m.
Comment online. Any information (e.g., personal or contact) you provide in a comment or in an attachment will be publicly disclosed and posted on the Internet.
- Attend the online public hearing on August 6, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. or August 8, 2024, at 9:00 a.m.
- Mail comments to:
Gopika Patwa Department of Ecology, Climate Pollution Reduction Program PO Box 47600, Olympia WA 98504-7600
Online public hearings (webinar)
Hearing locations(s):
Please contact Gopika Patwa ( ) as soon as possible to request interpretation services.
August 6, 2024
1:00 p.m.
Hearing via webinar.
Join online and see instructions:
Call-in numbers: 253-215-8782
Access code: 46005457
Presentation followed by the hearing.
We are holding this hearing via webinar. This is an online meeting that you can attend from any computer using internet access.
August 8, 2024
9:00 a.m.
Hearing via webinar.
Join online and see instructions:
Call-in numbers: 253-215-8782
Access code: 86376936
Presentation followed by the hearing.
We are holding this hearing via webinar. This is an online meeting that you can attend from any computer using internet access.
How can I stay informed about this rulemaking?
- Please contact Gopika Patwa at or call (360) 338-2419 if you have any questions about this rulemaking.
To request ADA accommodation, email or call (360) 338-2419. You can also visit
Español (Spanish)
El Departamento de Ecología está proponiendo enmiendas al Capítulo 143-441 WAC, Reporte de Emisiones de Gases de Efecto Invernadero (en inglés, Reporting of Emissions of Greenhouse Gases), y al Capítulo 143-446 WAC, Regla del Programa de la Ley de Compromiso Climático (en inglés, Climate Commitment Act Program Rule). Estas actualizaciones establecerán las obligaciones de cumplimiento para entidades que importan electricidad a Washington.
Comentarios formales sobre este proceso de reglamentación deben recibirse antes del 20 de agosto de 2024.
Audiencia Pública:
Fecha: 6 de agosto de 2024 a las 1:00pm
Seminario Web: (solamente en línea)
Audiencia Pública:
Fecha: 8 de agosto de 2024 a las 9:00am
Seminario Web: (solamente en línea)
Para obtener más información, por favor llame a Gopika Patwa al 360-338-2419 y solicite un intérprete.
中文 (Chinese)
生态管理署正在提议修订第 143-441 章 WAC 温室气体排放报告(Reporting of Emissions of Greenhouse Gases)和第 143-446 章 WAC 气候承诺法项目规则(Climate Commitment Act Program Rule)。 这些更新将为向华盛顿进口电力的实体建立责任义务规范。
请于 August 20, 2024. 之前提交对此规则制定的正式评论。
日期: August 6, 2024 at 1:00pm
日期: August 8, 2024 at 9:00am
Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)
Bộ Môi Sinh đang đề xuất sửa đổi Chương 143-441 WAC - Báo cáo về Phát thải Khí Nhà kính (Reporting of Emissions of Greenhouse Gases) và Chương 143-446 WAC - Luật Chương trình Đạo luật Cam kết Khí hậu (Climate Commitment Act Program Rule). Những cập nhật này sẽ thiết lập nghĩa vụ tuân thủ đối với các đơn vị nhập khẩu điện vào Washington.
Hạn cuối góp ý cho luật này là August 20, 2024.
Buổi điều trần cho công chúng:
Ngày: August 6, 2024 at 1:00 pm
Hội thảo trên mạng: (chỉ có trực tuyến)
Liên kết:
Buổi điều trần cho công chúng:
Ngày: August 8, 2024 at 9:00 am
Hội thảo trên mạng: (chỉ có trực tuyến)
Liên kết:
Để biết thêm thông tin, vui lòng gọi Gopika Patwa số 360-338-2419 và yêu cầu thông dịch viên.
한국어 (Korean)
와싱턴주 환경부는 다음과 같은 대기온실 방출 신고법Chapter 143-441 WAC (Reporting of Emissions of Greenhouse Gases) 그리고 Chapter 143-446 WAC 기후 변화 대응법 (Climate Commitment Act Program Rule) 을 개정함을 제안한다. 이법으로 인해 전기를 와싱턴주로 수입하고자 하는 업주로 하여금 관련법을 준수하고자 함이다.
의견 제출 마감일자: August 20, 2024.
공청회 일자: August 6, 2024 at 1:00pm
웹세미나: (인터넷)
일자: August 8, 2024 at 9:00am
웹세미나: (인터넷)
상세안내는 Gopika Patwa 360-338-2419 에게 연락후 통역요청할것.