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Funding opportunities
EPA's Job Training Grants: Apply by August 15
What are Brownfields Job Training Grants?
These EPA grants allow nonprofits, local governments, and other organizations to recruit, train, and place unemployed and under-employed residents of areas affected by the presence of brownfields. Graduates develop skills needed to secure full-time, sustainable employment in the environmental field, such as working with hazardous substances, pollutants, contaminants, and petroleum products; cleanup and reuse; and chemical safety.
Resources to help prepare your application:
Apply through Grants.gov by 8:59 p.m. Pacific on Thursday, Aug. 15.
Zoom calls will focus on networking and strategies
Technical service provider Kansas State University is hosting monthly Professional Learning Community calls on Zoom through September 2024. The calls provide new and aspiring Brownfields Job Training grantees an opportunity to network and learn strategies for developing successful brownfields job training programs.
Calls are held the 3rd Wednesday each month using the same Zoom link. To get on the mailing list, forward your contact information to Mike Senew at msenew@gmail.com.
- Wed. May 15 at 11 a.m. Pacific (recording)
- Wed. Jun 19 at 11 a.m. Pacific
- Wed. Jul 17 at 11 a.m. Pacific
- Wed. Aug 21 at 11 a.m. Pacific
- Wed. Sep 18 at 11 a.m. Pacific
Infrastructure funding available to Washington communities: Apply by June 28
Washington Dept. of Commerce's Public Works Board has loans and grants for repairing, replacing, or creating infrastructure such as domestic water systems, roads and streets, bridges, and stormwater systems. Eligible applicants for this funding are:
- Cities
- Counties
- Special purpose districts
- Quasi-municipal organizations
Apply through ZoomGrants by 11:59 p.m. Pacific on Friday, June 28.
Building Communities Fund grants: Apply by August 22
Washington communities can apply for grants to fund their capital facilities projects during the 2025-27 biennium. Commerce's Building Communities Fund Program awards state grants to nonprofit, community-based organizations to defray a percentage of eligible capital costs to acquire, construct, or rehabilitate nonresidential community and social service centers. There is no minimum or maximum grant award amount. Learn more.
Apply through ZoomGrants by 5 p.m. Pacific on Thursday, August 22.
Community Change Grants Program: Apply by November 21
Community-based entities nationwide can apply for their share of $2 billion from EPA's Community Change Grants Program to help manage their environmental and climate justice challenges. In February, EPA announced a few updates to the program:
Applications accepted in Grants.gov by 8:59 p.m. Pacific on Thursday, Nov. 21, 2024.
Check out other news from EPA's Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights.
CDBG General Purpose Grants advance community development projects
Commerce is accepting applications for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) General Purpose Grants to assist eligible Washington small cities, towns, and counties with completing community development projects that primarily benefit low-and moderate-income persons. These grants are available on an ongoing basis as funds are available.
Coming this September: Brownfields workshops!
Ecology's Brownfields Program is partnering with the Center for Creative Land Recycling to hold three one-day brownfields workshops in September. We'll share details in a special announcement in early July.
Technical assistance to mitigate displacement risk
The Brownfields Revitalization Anti-Displacement Strategies (BRADS) program at UMass Dartmouth is accepting requests for technical assistance on displacement risk and anti-displacement policies. This resource provides guidance and training to communities nationwide to develop equity-centered, economically inclusive strategies for anti-displacement. If your community has an active brownfields program or plans to create one, apply for this technical assistance by Monday, July 15. Learn more.
Financial webinar series specifically for Tribes
Tribal-specific funding is featured in a 4-part webinar series from the Council of Development Finance Agencies (CDFA). During the next installment on July 9, panelists will explore how Tribal communities are investing in affordable housing solutions that meet their residents’ unique needs. Learn more.
- All webinars 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Pacific.
Register for July 9 and Oct. 15 webinars even if you can't attend. Registrants can access recordings later.
FREE Environmental Health and Land Reuse Certificate Program
The Environmental Health and Land Reuse (EHLR) Certificate Program is a free online training that consists of six modules:
- Prerequisite: Introduction to the Environmental Health and Land Reuse Certificate Program
- Module 1: Engaging with your community
- Module 2: Evaluating environmental and health risks
- Module 3: Communicating environmental and health risks
- Module 4: Redesigning with health in mind
- Module 5: Measuring success
This program is a partnership between the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) and the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA). It builds capacity within communities to help remediate and redevelop brownfields around the country.
Access the free course through MyNEHA.
EPA's Targeted Brownfields Assessments minimize uncertainty
A Targeted Brownfields Assessment (TBA) is an environmental investigation that documents environmental conditions at a property being considered for redevelopment. EPA's Targeted Brownfields Assessment program offers assessments by EPA contractors at no cost.
TBAs promote brownfield cleanup and redevelopment because they help states, Tribes, municipalities, other government entities, and nonprofit organizations minimize uncertainties around contamination that is often associated with brownfields. TBAs may encompass one or more of three activities:
- “All appropriate inquiries” assessment (Phase I), which includes a background and historical investigation, and a site inspection.
- Full site assessment (Phase II), including sampling activities to identify areas of contamination and types and concentrations of contaminants.
- Determining how much more investigation is needed and/or establishing cleanup options and cost estimates based on planned uses after redevelopment.
No application deadlines for this service. Learn more about TBAs in Region 10.
Technical assistance providers
Check out these EPA technical service providers who can help you make the most of your brownfields funding:
Serving EPA Regions 9 and 10: Center for Creative Land Recycling (CCLR).
Serving Tribes: Kansas State University's Tribal Technical Assistance to Brownfields (KSU Tribal TAB).
KSU TAB also provides Brownfields Job Training assistance. Now through September 2024, the Kansas State University Technical Assistance to Brownfields (KSU TAB) is offering professional development and technical assistance to Brownfields Job Training grant recipients, and to entities seeking to establish a Brownfields Job Training program. Learn more about the job training grant program below.
University of Washington's Center for Environmental Health Equity. The UW Center for Environmental Health Equity provides technical assistance to Tribal and community organizations in EPA Region 10 states (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington) to strengthen their capacity and effectiveness in applying to and successfully managing environmental and energy justice grants and programs.
Check out EPA's Nationwide Brownfields Technical Assistance Providers.
Housing-related opportunities
Build capacity and strengthen outreach with grants from this Commerce program
If your Washington group is interested in building affordable housing but needs some help getting your project underway, check out the resources from the Department of Commerce's Capacity Building, Outreach and Support Program (CBOS). Their team offers technical assistance for project planning; financing strategies; site planning and design; and feasibility analyses. Learn more.
Webinar: Construction Contract Tips on Affordable Housing Projects
This webinar will cover key provisions, recent legal updates, and best practices for current and future affordable housing development projects. It is tailored for developers, funders, and anyone involved in negotiating construction contracts or administering affordable housing construction projects. Tuesday, July 16, 9:30–10:45 a.m. Pacific. Register.
Contact us if you have a brownfield project!
Miss the last update? May 2024 newsletter (May 20)
Español (Spanish)
Si tiene preguntas o desea obtener más información sobre propiedades o terrenos abandonados o subutilizados que podrían tener contaminación ambiental pero potencialmente ser aptos para revitalización, comuníquese con: Elaine Heim, elaine.heim@ecy.wa.gov (360) 584-3750
中文 (Chinese)
如果您有任何疑問或想瞭解更多關於棕地即曾經的工業或商業用地的資訊,請聯繫 : Elaine Heim, elaine.heim@ecy.wa.gov (360) 584-3750
Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)
Nếu quý vị có câu hỏi hoặc muốn biết thêm thông tin về bất động sản bị bỏ hoang hoặc không sử dụng có thể gây ô nhiễm môi trường, được gọi là “brownfields” vui lòng liên hệ : Elaine Heim, elaine.heim@ecy.wa.gov (360) 584-3750
한국어 (Korean)
브라운필드 (환경오염이 가능한 버려지거나 잘 사용되지 않는 부지)에 대해 질문이 있거나, 더 많은 정보를 원하시면 다음 연락처로 문의하세요: Elaine Heim, elaine.heim@ecy.wa.gov (360) 584-3750