Project ECHO Parent Education Series on Challenging Behavior
In partnership with the Haring Center for Inclusive Education, we are offering a remote parent education series for parents and caregivers of children ages 3-12 years old. This series focuses on joining a community that is a safe space for parents and caregivers to share their experiences, offer support to one another and develop strategies together to support challenging behaviors at home.
In this series, we will take a strengths-based approach to identify behavioral skills and strategies to support challenging behavior as well as strategies to teach new skills and behaviors. The series welcomes a behavior analyst, special education teacher and mental health provider as well as a family advocate. Participants will have opportunities to discuss behaviors and problem-solve strategies and supports, and will get weekly handouts focused on behavioral skills and strategies.
This 12-week series runs 11 a.m. to noon on Fridays via Zoom, beginning Feb. 7 and ending April 25. Click here to register. This series is free and translation is provided through subtitles if needed.