January 2025 Waiver Amendment
On Dec. 31, 2024, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services approved waiver amendments effective Jan. 1, 2025, for DDA’s Home and Community Based Services waivers.
The HCBS waiver amendments provide the following changes to waiver services:
- Specialized Habilitation has been renamed to Life Skills. All service eligibility requirements and limitations remain the same.
- Stabilization-Specialized Habilitation has been renamed to Stabilization-Life Skills. All service eligibility requirements and limitations remain the same.
- Transportation was modified to include the purchase of a bus pass. Taxis and public transit were added as qualified provider types of transportation and travel time is included in rate for transit businesses (does not include independent contractors.)
Other updates to DDA’s five waiver applications include:
- “Foster Care” group was added as a new group to financial eligibility for waivers.
- The updated assessment tool name was changed from “SIS-A” to “SIS-A 2nd Edition."
- The point-in-time capacity for the Basic Plus waiver increased from 13,000 to 13,400.
- The qualifications for Case Resource Managers and Social Service Specialists have been updated to remove the Bachelor's degree requirement in accordance with RCW 41.06.157.
The University of Washington is added as a contracted entity that will administer the National Core Indicators in-person survey.
Our approved waivers are posted on our website.
Webinars to review these changes will be offered later this month. Case Resource Managers and supervisors are strongly encouraged to attend webinars on new service implementation as they become available. GovDelivery notifications will be sent to announce webinar dates as they are finalized.