The LTSS Trust has a new name. Meet the WA Cares Fund!

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Washington State Department of Social & Health Services

Aging and Long-Term Support Administration

April 30, 2021

The LTSS Trust has a new name. Meet the WA Cares Fund!

The Long-Term Services and Supports Trust program now has an official name – the WA Cares Fund! The WA Cares Fund will be administered jointly by the Department of Social and Health Services, the Employment Security Department, the Health Care Authority, and the Office of the State Actuary. The WA Cares Fund is a public long-term care insurance program that functions like Social Security – all workers contribute to the Fund and all who meet the program’s vesting requirements and need long-term services and supports will have access to the benefit. Workers will begin contributing to the program in January 2022, and benefits are payable beginning in January 2025.

Learn more about the program on the new WA Cares Fund website at