WAC 458-20-301 Capital gains policy rule discussion draft now available | Public meeting July 12, 2023

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Washington State Department of Revenue

July 6, 2023

WAC 458-20-301 – Capital gains policy rule discussion draft now available

The Department of Revenue has posted the capital gains excise tax draft rule WAC 458-20-301 for discussion purposes. This rulemaking will seek to provide clarifying information, such as definitions, and additional information on exemptions, deductions, and allocation of gains.

This discussion draft rule will be considered at the upcoming public meeting on July 12, 2023. The intent is to provide greater public access to administrative rule making before filing with the code reviser a notice of proposed rule making under RCW 34.05.320. The public may participate by providing written comments throughout this rule making or providing oral testimony at the public meeting.

Attend the public meeting:

Date: July 12, 2023  Time: 10:00 A.M.

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Submit written comments to:

Michael Hwang
Department of Revenue
PO Box 47453
Olympia, Washington 98504
Email: MichaelHw@dor.wa.gov


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