PMP-EHR Integration Mandate
During the 2019 Legislative Session, the legislature passed Substitute Senate Bill 5380, which included the addition of RCW 70.225.090. Specifically, the bill requires that facilities, entities, offices, or provider groups with ten or more prescribers, that are not critical access hospitals, must demonstrate the ability to integrate their Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems with the Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP). The bill directs the department to develop a waiver process for this integration requirement.
There are currently two ways to integrate a Health Care Organization's EHR with the PMP: the state's Health Information Exchange, OneHealthPort (OHP), and approved direct integration options, such as Bamboo Health's (formerly Appriss Health) PMP Gateway.
- If you wish to get more information on integrating your organization's EHR through OHP you can fill out OHP's HIE Support Request form. For PMP integrations select "Other" in the form and indicate you are interested in PMP integration. Someone from OHP will reach out after the form has been submitted.
- If you wish to get more information on integrating your organization's EHR through Bamboo Health's PMP Gateway please visit the Appriss Health PMP Integration Request page and fill out the form on the right-hand side. Once the form is submitted you will receive an email inviting you to register for a product overview webinar. If you have questions about the integration process or specific questions about PMP Gateway, please reach out to
Please note: The waiver rules are still in development although we expect them to be finalized very soon. Once the rules are finalized the waiver forms will be sent out through GovDelivery and will be available online. The Secretary has waived compliance with the PMP-EHR Integration mandate until January 1, 2022.