According to FDA, there are no FDA-approved therapeutics to treat, cure or prevent COVID-19, there are several FDA-approved treatments that may help ease the symptoms from a supportive care perspective. Hydroxychloroquine or Chloroquine are not yet FDA-approved for COVID-19. We understand research is currently underway with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin and acknowledge that these drugs may be helpful at certain stages of the disease.
We want providers and pharmacists to act with their best discretion to ensure patients continue to receive appropriate treatment in times of shortages. However, we discourage inappropriate prescribing of this medication for prophylaxis, which may restrict access for patients that really need appropriate therapy such as those patients in our state with lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and malaria diagnoses.
Please review RCW 69.41.040 for appropriate prescription requirements and practice good stewardship over the drug supply chain. Thanks for your attention during these unprecedented times.