Learn about statewide climate planning efforts - Oct. 28
Attend the Climate Action Planning Webinar with the Washington Climate Partnership
The Washington departments of Commerce and Ecology are hosting a public information session on the state's Comprehensive Climate Action Plan on Monday, October 28.
The goal of the Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (CCAP) is to create an implementable, equitable, and comprehensive plan to get to net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. This webinar is designed to share progress on statewide climate planning efforts.
Join us!
Climate Action Planning Webinar
Monday, Oct. 28, 2 p.m. (Zoom)
The creation of the CCAP will include tribes, state and local governments, subject matter experts, and the public, especially those in communities that are most affected by climate change. This meeting is geared toward the general public and those who are interested in learning more about the progress of Washington’s CCAP.
Meeting goals:
- Hear from the Washington Climate Partnership team on the latest updates, timeline, and process behind evaluating key climate measures
- Meet the experts conducting the greenhouse gas emissions modeling work
- Learn about the vital roles of the CCAP Advisory Committee and Community Connectors and how they are collaborating with local communities on the CCAP
- Share your feedback and get involved in shaping the future climate action plan that will benefit all communities in Washington.
The Washington Climate Partnership includes the Washington State Department of Commerce and Washington State Department of Ecology, Cascadia Communications, Evolved Energy Research, and Clean Energy Technology Institute, among other partners.