Washington State Digital Equity Dashboard helps highlight digital divide

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may 30, 2024

Digital Equity Dashboard

New data dashboard highlights the "digital divide" in Washington communities

The Washington State Broadband Office (WSBO) has launched a Digital Equity Dashboard to help everyone understand the "digital divide" - the gap between those with access to technology, digital literacy skills, and the internet and those without. 

Screenshot of Digital Equity Dashboard

Take the new dashboard for a test drive to learn about the data behind efforts to bring internet to everyone in Washington state.




The digital divide impacts individuals, communities, and even whole countries.

“Access to technology is necessary in today’s world, and closing the digital divide is critical to ensuring everyone has access to this essential service,” said Commerce Director Mike Fong.

“Bridging the digital divide is not just about connecting people to the internet. It’s about connecting them to opportunity. All the data and every online tool we can provide are stepping stones toward greater equality in the digital world,” said Aaron Wheeler, WSBO Director.

Screenshot from Digital Equity Dashboard

The dashboard uses data from different sources to help illustrate the impact of the digital divide in Washington. Access, affordability, and digital literacy are crucial elements everyone needs to participate in the economy and daily life today. Without them, vital access to necessary services over the internet, such as healthcare, education, employment opportunities and government services, are limited.

The Washington State Broadband Office will use the dashboard to display and guide our broadband infrastructure and digital equity work. We will update the data regularly to show real-time progress. We hope organizations, local governments and others will use and share this data to help make choices in their spheres of influence to improve digital access.

Our mission is to enrich the lives of all Washington state residents and businesses by ensuring access to affordable, reliable, redundant and scalable/future-proof broadband technologies, ensuring the economic viability of both urban and rural communities today and into the future.

Learn more

Visit the Washington State Broadband Office webpage

Learn about our Internet for All initiative

Find out about Digital Navigation