Combined Fund Drive celebrates successful giving year
The 2022 Combined Fund Drive Holiday Giving Campaign collected more than $3,600 in monetary and gift donations for its two charities this year. That totals 225 toys for the Small Tribes of Western Washington (STOWW) and $650 for Second Harvest.
The CFD team is ecstatic about the results, said Jen Cole, who helped lead the effort. Jen works in divisions and program alignment.
“We couldn’t have done any of this without the generous support of this caring and compassionate COM-munity,” she said. “Thank you Commerce team for making this holiday giving campaign such a success!”
Although the official drive is over, monetary donations are still accepted through Venmo or payroll deduction. For more information, email Melissa Ellwein.
Per RCW 43.19A.022, all state agencies must purchase 100% recycled content white sheet bond paper for office printers and copiers, and they are encouraged to prioritize purchasing from companies that produce paper in facilities that generate energy from a renewable energy source.
COVID-19 booster incentive and verification process update
By THERESA BURKHEIMER Chief Human Resource Officer
Staying up to date with booster doses as soon as you are eligible is the best protection from serious illness and death from COVID-19. Everyone 5 years and older, who is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, is eligible for a booster.
There might be incentives available for booster doses, and we will know more after the Legislature finalizes the budget.
Read more.