CEIP data aggregation review closes June 3
Commerce has completed its initial aggregation of consumer-owned utility clean energy implementation plans (CEIP). The aggregate spreadsheet and a webinar on the agency’s aggregation process are available on the Compliance and Reporting webpage.
Commerce is asking utilities and the public to review the aggregate file by June 3.
Please contact Commerce at ceta@commerce.wa.gov if you believe the agency has made a mistake in copying information from the submitted reports into the aggregated sheet or incorrectly categorized the responses. Commerce will use the revised aggregate file to further summarize consumer-owned utility CEIPs.
The CEIP is the first planning document submitted to the agency under CETA. It documents how a utility intends to comply with CETA’s clean energy and equity requirements over the next four years, and make progress towards the state’s 2030 greenhouse gas neutral and 2045 greenhouse gas free standards.
 Reminder: Resource adequacy meeting scheduled June 17; Public comments due June 13
Commerce and the Utilities and Transportation Commission (UTC) will be hosting the second annual electric power resource adequacy meeting on Friday, June 17. The meeting will focus on the current, short-term and long-term adequacy of energy resources to serve the state's electric power needs.
Topics covered will include:
- Recent assessments of electricity demand and supply
- The electric power industry’s progress in developing a coordinated resource adequacy program
- Other actions utilities are taking to ensure resource adequacy
Virtual meeting: June 17
9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Friday, June 17, Zoom
Meeting passcode: RA Call-in info: +1 253-215-8782 Meeting ID: 840 7210 2783 Call-in Passcode: 570744
Annual resource adequacy meetings are the result of 2020 legislation.
The meeting agenda is under development and will be posted on Commerce’s resource adequacy webpage.
Survey deadline: June 13
Commerce and the UTC are inviting the public to submit recommendations prior to the meeting for improving resource adequacy. These might include:
- Recommendations to prevent blackouts
- Regulatory or statutory changes, and utility actions to improve resource adequacy
Please complete the Resource adequacy recommendations survey to submit recommendations by June 13, so agencies have time to review comments. Responses to the survey will inform discussions at the June 17 meeting.