Clean Energy Transformation Act Bulletin
Don’t forget to visit the CETA rulemaking webpage.
Commerce and UTC release draft CETA double-counting and storage rules
Commerce and the Utilities and Transportation Commission (UTC) are jointly releasing draft rules to implement the prohibition on double-counting unbundled renewable energy credits (RECs) and to clarify accounting for energy storage under CETA.
The draft rules and notice of opportunity to comment are posted on the CETA Rulemaking webpage.
Please submit comments to both Commerce and the UTC by 5 p.m. Monday Dec. 6, 2021.
Friday deadline for comments to UTC on draft CETA “use” rule
As a reminder, comments on the UTC’s draft rules on the “use of electricity” are due by 5 p.m. Friday.
Commerce is not updating its draft rule language (PDF) on this topic at this time. We encourage participants in the rulemaking proceeding to review and submit comments on the UTC draft. We will consider comments submitted in the UTC proceeding and will continue to work closely with the UTC in developing the rule on this topic.
Comments and questions should be submitted directly to the UTC. The Commission will post all comments that are provided in electronic format on its website.
Deadline to submit comments to UTC: 5 p.m. Friday, Nov. 12, 2021
If you are unable to submit documents via the portal, you may submit your comments by email to the UTC’s Records Center at The commission will also accept a paper document via mail.
If you have questions about the process, contact UTC staff lead Steve Johnson, (360) 481-1573.
Commerce and UTC to hold joint workshops on draft rules
Commerce and the UTC will hold two joint rulemaking workshops in December to discuss draft rules. Tentative schedule and topics are:
- Monday, Dec. 6, 2021, 1 - 4 p.m. – Use electricity draft rules
- Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2021, 1 - 4 p.m. – Double-counting and storage draft rules
Meeting materials will be posted on the CETA rulemaking webpage ahead of the workshops.
Questions? Email us at
Video available: PNNL announces the Energy Storage for Social Equity Initiative
An innovative technical assistance and technology deployment program advancing community prosperity, well-being and resilience.
The U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Storage for Social Equity (ES4SE) Initiative offers direct technical assistance to communities affected by unreliable and expensive energy systems and supply. ES4SE is designed to empower disadvantaged urban, rural and Tribal communities to consider energy storage technologies and applications as a viable path toward community prosperity, well-being and resilience. Through this program, eligible communities have access to direct non-financial technical assistance and potential support for new energy storage project development and deployment.
To learn more about this opportunity, watch this webinar recording held by Clean Energy States Alliance last week.
Applications are due by Dec. 3, 2021 at 5 p.m. Pacific Time.