Weekly Clean Energy Transformation Act Bulletin
Don’t forget to visit the CETA rulemaking webpage.
Carbon and Electricity Markets Work Group meets Oct. 21
The Carbon and Electricity Markets Work Group will conduct a public work session from 9 a.m. to noon on Wednesday, Oct. 21. Commerce and the Utilities and Transportation Commission established this group under RCW 19.405.130. The work session is the first of several work sessions. At the end of the workshop there will be an opportunity for public comment or questions. The workshop agenda and any presentation materials will be posted to the UTC’s docket U-190760 by 5 p.m. on Oct. 19.
To participate via GoToMeeting, please use this link.
To participate by phone, please call 877-309-2073 and enter access code 168-904-261.
Utility Energy Assistance Program Survey
Commerce’s data survey tool for utility data collection on low-income energy assistance programs is available on the Energy Assistance under CETA webpage. Instructions (both PDF and Word versions) are also available on the webpage. The tool will remain open until Nov. 13. If you have questions about this process or the data tool, please contact Sarah Vorpahl (sarah.vorpahl@commerce.wa.gov).
Upcoming Events and Deadlines
Oct. 21
Carbon and Electricity Markets Work Group
Work session
Oct. 21
CR-102 filing
Tentative date for filing CR-102
Nov. 13
Submission deadline
Utility energy assistance program survey
Dec. 2
Public hearing and comments
Tentative date for public hearing and comments