Weekly Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA) Bulletin
Don’t forget to visit the CETA rulemaking webpage.
Emissions reporting and renewable energy credits (RECs) draft rule language release
Commerce has posted emissions reporting and RECs draft rule language on the CETA rulemaking webpage. The draft rule language will be discussed at Commerce’s April 28 virtual-only workshop on emissions reporting and RECs. Meeting details will be posted in advance of the workshop.
Thermal renewable energy credits (T-RECs) comment deadline
Commerce is requesting comments on thermal renewable energy credits draft rule language. The draft rule language and supporting documents can be found on the CETA rulemaking webpage. Comments can be submitted to ceta@commerce.wa.gov. The comment deadline is Wednesday, May 6.
Draft planning rule language virtual-only workshop
On May 7, Commerce will host a virtual-only workshop to discuss draft planning rule language. The time of the workshop has changed. The workshop now will start at 1 p.m. and conclude by 4 p.m.
Draft rule language will be posted on the CETA rulemaking webpage by close of business Tuesday, April 28. Additional meeting materials will be provided prior to the workshop.
Upcoming Events and Deadlines
Details on these events are available on the CETA rulemaking webpage.
April 28
Virtual-only workshop
Emissions reporting draft rule language
May 6
Comment deadline
Thermal renewable energy credits draft rule language
May 7
Virtual-only workshop
Planning draft rule language
May 21
Virtual-only workshop
Compliance draft rule language
June 24
July 2
July 14
Sept. 2
Streamlining EIA and CETA implementation