[LNI-EMPLOYER SERVICES-NEWS] Empower Your Business by Understanding Workers' Compensation in Washington

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Empower Your Business by Understanding Workers' Compensation in Washington

L&I is hosting a 2.5-hour training, at no cost to you, to empower your business by helping you navigate workers’ compensation in Washington state. Attendees may earn 2.5 SHRM credits.

When:  9:30 am to 12 pm, Wednesday, April 9

Who should attend:  State fund employers, third party representatives, human resource professionals and representatives from associations, vocational rehabilitation counselors, and safety and risk managers.

Sign up here:  Empower Your Business by Understanding Workers' Compensation in Washington

The webinar will cover these topics:

Everything You want to know about your L&I Account. Learn what happens when you open your L&I account. What are risk classes and how are they assigned? Learn how rates are set and adjusted, how claims affect rates, what you can do to control your company’s rates.

Managing Claims to Control Your Industrial Insurance Costs  – Overview of the industrial insurance claims process for all employers. See how you can take an active role in the management of the claim to reduce your costs. Learn best practices to help your worker return to work as soon as possible when they are hurt on the job. This will save you money and help them heal quicker. Learn about no-fee L&I resources to help you manage claims to control your industrial insurance cost.

Manage your Risk – Learn how claims influence rates and why safety pays.  Risk Management will cover best practices in controlling your workers’ compensation costs including keeping an injured worker on salary and the benefits/limitations. Learn how to access the Claim and Account Center’s trend reports to manage your account and access claims.   

Building Success: Strategies for Cost Savings through Return to Work – Reduce your risk of increased premiums and be more competitive by developing a return-to-work plan. Learn how you can implement light duty work before, during, and after a work place injury to save you money and retain valuable employees. Hear how our no cost ergonomics and job analysis can support your return-to work efforts.

Return to Work Incentive Programs – Learn about L&I’s updates to our financial incentive programs that help employers keep injured workers on the job. Learn how employers can be reimbursed for the cost associated with modified duty. Learn how to qualify, how the program works, and how this program can benefit your company and your worker.

Question? Roseann.Collins@Lni.wa.gov

Questions? Comments? Topic ideas? Email us at esoutreach@Lni.wa.gov or call 360-902-4599.


© Washington State Dept of Labor & Industries
Employer Services