The Department of Labor & Industries filed a CR-102 proposed rulemaking to amend chapter 296-14 WAC with the Office of the Code Reviser.
The proposed rulemaking adds a class of workers to the posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) presumption law. The purpose of the proposed rule is to explain when a presumption of PTSD exists for certain direct care registered nurses as provided by RCW 51.08.142 and RCW 51.32.395.
A link to the rulemaking activities can be found here: Rulemaking Activity at L&I (
The Department of Labor & Industries has scheduled one public virtual/in-person hearing to solicit comments on proposed rulemaking related to the PTSD presumption. All testimony and written comments become part of the public record.
Public Hearing A virtual and in-person public hearing is scheduled as follows:
Date: October 17, 2023 Time: 10:00 am
Department of Labor and Industries Room: S119 7273 Linderson Way SW Tumwater WA 98501
Join electronically: Meeting ID: 936 165 5337
Join by phone: 253-215-8782 US (Tacoma) Find your local number:
Written Comments Written comments on the proposed rules will be accepted up to 5:00 PM (PST)
October 17, 2023. Any written comments should be sent to Jordan Ely, via:
Mail Jordan Ely Department of Labor & Industries PO Box 44270 Olympia WA 98504-4270
Fax: 360-902-5029 or;
Anticipated Adoption Date The proposed rules are scheduled for adoption on December 19, 2023 with an anticipated effective date of January 20, 2024.
If you need additional information or have questions concerning this proposed rulemaking, please contact Jordan Ely at 360-902-4616.
Mike Ratko Assistant Director for Insurance Services