The Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) updated its rules website
Rules filed December 7, 2021
Division: Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH)
Topic: Emergency (CR-103E) - Public Health Emergency Reporting and Notification Requirements for Infectious and Contagious Diseases and Voluntary Use of Personal Protective Equipment (Emergency Rule)
Brief Description: This emergency rulemaking adopted amendments in chapter 296-62 WAC, General Occupational Health Standards. The emergency rule maintains requirements for when there is a public health emergency for an infectious or contagious disease and as such, the requirements are applicable to COVID-19.
Under the emergency rule:
- Employers with more than 50 covered employees at a workplace or worksite are required to report infectious or contagious disease outbreaks of 10 or more employees to L&I;
- Employees are not required to disclose any medical condition or diagnosis to their employer;
- Employers, except for certain healthcare employers, are required to notify employees in writing of potential exposures within one business day; and
- Employees and contractors must be permitted to voluntarily use personal protective equipment.
L&I filed a Preproposal Statement of Inquiry (CR-101) on May 13, 2021, WSR 21-11-051, regarding permanent amendments to existing permanent rules to address hazards from COVID-19 or other outbreaks of infectious or contagious diseases. Some parts of the emergency rule will be considered for permanent rulemaking.
This emergency rule supersedes WSR 21-17-051 filed on August 10, 2021.
Effective date: December 7, 2021 Expiration date: April 6, 2022
CR-103 Emergency Adoption
Adoption Language