TIRES is seeking trucking companies to test a new online safety program tool!
 Want to help test a new, state-of-the-art tool that’s designed to boost truck driver safety? The Trucking Injury Reduction Emphasis (TIRES) project is seeking local and regional Washington State trucking companies with around 50 trucks or less to test a beta version of its Safety Program Development Tool. Testing will begin later this month.
As a tester, you will simply try the tool, review the safety program it creates for you, and then let us know about your experience. All you need is a Google Chrome internet browser, a printer, and a few minutes to enter some basic company information. The tool will do the rest to build you a comprehensive safety program that goes beyond basic compliance requirements. Your responses will help us improve the tool before releasing a final version.
Click here to read the tool overview and then fill out this short sign up sheet so we can contact you.
Thank you,
The TIRES team
Stay Safe at the Pump
Refueling is an everyday part of trucking. It’s done so often, drivers forget the hazards. Flammables, awkward hoses, unsafe surfaces, blind spots or dim lighting around the pump or rig— all of these raise your injury risk. Along with our new normal of COVID-19 infection prevention, staying safe at the pump requires specific awareness of your surroundings and proper equipment use.
Tips to live by
In Memorial to Washington State Truck Drivers Who Died at Work in 2020
We at send our deepest condolences to the family and friends of the truck drivers we lost in 2020. We believe every worker deserves to go home safe each night. It is never easy to find the right words to talk about losing members of our community. These drivers gave their all to provide for their families and to transport the goods that keep America strong. We truly appreciate and respect the hard work trucking professionals do each day. We hope that by keeping safety as part of the daily conversation, we can contribute to the end of trucking related deaths in Washington State.
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Lead the Way with a Smart START
Inspiring other trucking companies to enhance their safety programs can help prevent injuries and fatalities across the industry. You can start the trend by becoming the company that others will look up to. Start now by participating in the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries’ Safety Through Achieving Recognition Together (START) program. START is a new on-site consultation program that assists small businesses in achieving safety program excellence. Having a high-performance safety program will make your workplace safer, lower costs, and improve morale. The program’s recognition of your achievement will make you stand out in your business community as a leader and model to follow.
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Stop the Traffic! January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month
The goal of National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month is to raise awareness of the human trafficking crisis; to highlight how truck drivers can take action, and to list the warning signs of trafficking and the hotline for drivers to identify and report suspects. Modern-day slavery and human trafficking are horrific violations of human rights that occur whenever people are bought and sold for forced labor or commercial sex. The crisis is global with over 40 million enslaved people around the world today. In the United States, human trafficking exists in all 50 states, with hundreds of thousands of victims, mostly women and children, across the country. It’s also a problem in Washington State as revealed in 2018 when the Washington State Patrol’s Operation Human Freight made 59 arrests and recovered 54 potential human trafficking victims in undercover stings at truck stops and rest areas along I-5 from Federal Way to Centralia.
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