The Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) updated its rules website
Rules filed July 2, 2020
Division: Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH)
Topic: Emergency (CR-103E) – COVID-19 Prohibited Business Activities and Conditions for Operations
Brief Description: The purpose of this emergency rulemaking is to amend WAC 296-800-14035 in Chapter 296-800 WAC, Safety and health core rules. L&I is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic by amending the emergency rule related to prohibited business activities and compliance with conditions under the Governor’s Proclamations and amendments issued under RCW 43.06.220:
- Employers must not allow employees to perform work where a business activity is prohibited by an emergency proclamation.
- Employers must comply with all conditions for operation required by emergency proclamation, including Safe Start phased reopening requirements for all business and any industry specific requirements.
This emergency rule addresses circumstances where businesses are prohibited from operating or where there are restrictions operating or conducting business activities. This emergency rule ensures clarity that restrictions and conditions on business activities under the Stay Home, Stay Healthy order are also health and safety requirements and that employers can be subject to a citation and monetary penalties for violations.
This emergency rulemaking amends the emergency rule adopted on May 26, 2020 as conditions have changed due to new Governor’s Proclamations being in effect (Proclamations 20-20.5 and 20-60).
Effective date: July 2, 2020 Expiration date: October 30, 2020
CR-103E Emergency Adoption
Adoption Language