Keep Trucking Safe Janurary 2020 Newsletter

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Safety Material for the Trucking Industry
January 2020

Happy New Year from the TIRES team!

If 20/20 means good vision, then why not envision 2020 as the year that sees your workplace safety program become better than ever? Ring it in by making a resolution to revitalize your safety program by setting your sights high. Reflect on past and present challenges to see where your safety program needs improvement, then set new goals that bring it to the next level.

That said, everyone knows how New Year’s resolutions go: we set lofty goals and soon lose interest in them, putting them aside for later, if ever. But being resolved to improve your safety program is different because your employees depend on it. It requires patience and commitment, not giving up on your vision when you don’t see fast results. Here are a few tips to help make your resolution stick:

Image of TIRES logo in center with fireworks behind the logo with the text on above, "Happy new year!"

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These Trucks Carry Big Risks

A hand truck does things a semi-truck can’t do. And while it’s much smaller than a rig, the injury risks are still big. It is a basic piece of equipment, but using it wrongly can complicate your safety. Hand trucks require you to hold, steer, push, pull, load, and unload. If done improperly, these tasks can lead to crushing, abrasions, falls, strains, sprains, getting struck, and tip overs. Using a hand truck at a work site that is not familiar to you can also increase risk. Awareness of your surroundings, securing the load, and going easy with your hand truck will help prevent injury.

Image of driver hauling hand truck with boxes into trailer.

Tips to live by

Slip on Ice Injures Driver’s Back, Ends Career

A 68-year-old truck driver sustained a permanently disabling lower-back injury when he slipped on ice during a routine post-trip vehicle inspection.

On the day of the incident, the driver had just returned to his company’s home terminal from a delivery to a customer in a nearby state.

Image of person holiding lower back with both hands.

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What Is a Safety Committee?

Image of character standing in center with title What is a safety committee?

This training tool will teach you what is a safety committee. The safety committee has a mission to promote a safety culture within the company. It is achieved by providing training to management, supervisors and employees by direct training geared toward the prevention of workplace accidents.

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What Is a Safety Climate

Image of diverse group with the text how to improve your company's safety climate

Safety climate is the new catch phrase in occupational safety circles. But what is it? And what does it mean to your company? Find out in this training:

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Slips, trips, falls

Strain & sprains (musculoskeletal disorders)

Getting struck by or against an object 

Hazard Prevention Tools