Your customer site - making it less dangerous for your drivers
Trucking is a risky business. Few people would argue
Interviews with injured truck drivers found that over half of
all injuries occur at customer sites. Clearly, reducing trucking-related
injuries needs to involve those sites. But how, when the sites are outside the
direct control of the truck driver’s employer?
Communication is the key to improvement. Make your concerns
clear to your customers using focused, consistent communications that you
repeat over time.
1. Talk with them about your concerns regarding the delivery
2. Send copies of the attached checklists with invoices or
other customer correspondence.
3. Communicate regularly, with reminders that safe deliveries
keep their bays clear.
4. Thank customers for maintaining their bays.
For your drivers, make sure they know that their safety is
your priority. Talk with them regularly about safety at the customer site.
The safety of your workers is a team investment — you, your
workers, your customers.
Together we can prevent injuries in trucking!