Research & Resources
Women in the Workplace 2022: The State of Women in Corporate America (Lean In / McKinsey). "The reasons women leaders are stepping away from their companies are telling. Women leaders are just as ambitious as men, but at many companies they face headwinds that make it harder to advance. They’re more likely to experience belittling microaggressions, such as having their judgment questioned or being mistaken for someone more junior. They’re doing more to support employee well-being and foster inclusion, but this critical work is spreading them thin and going mostly unrewarded. And finally, it’s increasingly important to women leaders that they work for companies that prioritize flexibility, employee well-being, and diversity, equity, and inclusion."
The state of burnout for women in the workplace (McKinsey). "Women are doing more to support employee well-being but face higher stress levels as a result. Here’s how leaders can help." Podcast.
Teachers, Try This: Give Middle School Girls a Space Where They Feel Like They Belong (EducationWeek). "Girltalk, a club where middle school girls can connect with one another, feel like they belong, and talk about their experiences and challenges."
Diversity mustn't be the first casualty of hybrid work (Fortune). "For employees, the experience of hybrid work has wildly varied in key areas such as their sense of belonging and work-life balance."