NEW: Information security services
Vegetation management: DES studies potential price hikes
Sole source: Updated procedure due April 1
Public safety video: New contract on horizon
Offsite data storage: No re-bid
Mailing equipment: ValuePoint firming up new agreement
Rainwear: DES likely won't re-bid
Security guard services: Vendors to be added to contract
DES negotiating agreements for information security
A new state contract for information security services is open for business, with NASPO ValuePoint participating addenda in place for vendors in two of three contract categories.
Categories for Contract 01220 include 1, risk assessment and mitigation; 2, event and incident management; and 3, breach coach services.
Enterprise Services has executed PAs for categories 1 and 2; specific contract details can be found on the contract summary page. Awarded vendors so far are:
- 22nd Century Technologies, Inc. – Category 1 and 2
- End to End Computing, LLC – Category 2.
Questions can be directed to DES’s Michellee Jemmott.
Supply shortages might warrant price increases
The Department of Enterprise Services (DES) has heard from vendors that some items on Contract 02917 (particularly glyphosate) are in short supply, may not be available, and that the contract is not supporting necessary price increases.
DES is actively working with vendors to resolve these issues. In the meantime, purchasers should be aware that vendors may be forced to decline contract sales or sell at higher rates outside the contract.
Enterprise Services is studying the marketplace for glyphosate-containing products to determine what price increases might be justified.
DES revises procedure
Effective April 1, DES will adopt a revised sole source policy procedure to provide more clarity and, consistency for vendors, the public and state agencies.
Find the procedure and related documents on our Current Enterprise Procurement Policies webpage.
Updated documents include:
The updated procedure includes new requirements for posting information online and in Washington’s Electronic Business Solution (WEBS) and clarifying definitions and frequently asked questions, including criteria DES considers when making a decision on sole source filings.
The sole source procedure was last modified in 2019. DES has heard from agencies, vendors and partners, including the Office of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises and the Department of Veterans Affairs, about parts of the guidelines that could be clearer and more transparent. DES also sought detailed feedback from its Procurement Customer Advisory Group (PCAG).
Going forward, DES expects to review the Sole Source Policy, including evaluating its alignment with the Washington State Disparity Study, before its sunset date of April 3, 2024. DES will seek broad stakeholder feedback during the policy review.
For questions, contact DES Sole Source Oversight Administrator Brooke Jensen, 360-790-8256, or any member of the DES Enterprise Policy Team.
Update: New contract nearing completion
Washington Contract 06316 for public safety video is scheduled to expire April 30, but Enterprise Services anticipates the contract will be extended for 90 days while the state of Oklahoma negotiates NASPO ValuePoint master agreements for a new contract.
Enterprise Services will negotiate Washington’s participating addenda when the master agreements are executed and posted on the ValuePoint web page.
The new Washington contract number is 05720.
As Enterprise Services continues to monitor the progress of the master agreement negotiations, feel free to reach out to Neva Peckham or Julie Aalberg at DES Contracts Team Cypress with any questions.
Contract will not be re-bid
DES will allow Contract 01116 for offsite data storage to expire in June.
Last October, DES notified customers it was considering allowing the contract to expire and asked for feedback. DES received no feedback, and announced in December it would not re-bid 01116.
Questions can be directed to DES’s Stacia Wasmundt.
Update: New contract nearing finish line
With the expiration date for Contract 05516 (mailing equipment, supplies, and maintenance) fast approaching, DES is monitoring progress toward a new cooperative contract through NASPO ValuePoint.
DES has been in contact with procurement specialists from Arizona, the ValuePoint lead state, who say implementation of the new contract is on track to be completed by May 2022.
Customers may reach out to DES’s Ryan Rensel with questions.
DES asks: Reason to keep the contract?
Enterprise Services is considering not re-soliciting Contract 07914 for rainwear, which will expire March 31, 2023.
Once the contract expires, purchasers may choose to use the non-custom uniforms and accessories contract (01417) or use their own purchasing authority to procure this commodity.
Customers who can offer reasons why DES should re-solicit the rainwear contract can contact Contract Specialist Kathy Paterson.
Vendors get a bump and two vendors added
Vendors on Contract 03818 for security guard services have been awarded an 11.7 percent price increase due to current economic conditions.
In addition, DES is looking at adding two vendors to assist with capacity concerns. Watch Contracts Connection for an update and new vendor information.
Upon receipt of all signed amendments, a complete price list with adjusted prices will be posted to the contract’s portal page. Contact DES’s Leslie Edwards with concerns or questions.