ESIT Data Management System (DMS) Known Issues July 2024

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ESIT Data Management System (DMS) Known Issues July 2024

A smiling mom, dad and their curious toddler all huddle around an open laptop, on a counter top, in a brightly lit room.

“If we have data, let’s look at data. If all we have are opinions, let’s go with mine.”
-James L. Barksdale, American executive, served as the president and CEO of Netscape until the company merged with AOL.

Welcome to ESIT's New Data Coordinator!

Photo of new ESIT Data Coordinator, Teanne Stangle, smiling at the camera, surrounded in a brightly lit background.

The ESIT State Leadership Team is excited to welcome our new ESIT Data Coordinator, Teanne Stangel. Teanne will be supporting the Data Systems and Analysis Team (DSAT), specifically our DMS/ACORN Help Desk.

Teanne started her career as a preschool teacher and spent ten years working in various roles within Early Learning before moving to K-12 and focusing on Special Education data management. An opportunity to serve as Birth-to-Three Transition Coordinator for Spokane Public Schools merged those two worlds, offering her a first glimpse into ESIT and the many varied ways this team provides vital support for children and families.

She lives in Spokane with her husband Nick and their dog and cat (Cleo and Amadeus). They love to share time with their son, Casey (23), and daughter, Tia (21), who both also live in Spokane. She enjoys backpacking through the Cabinet Wilderness, retro arcade games, and hobby-hopping.

Welcome, Teanne! We're so glad you're part of the team!

GovDelivery Notifications

Please ask your staff and coworkers to sign up for our GovDelivery notifications. This will ensure they receive the latest updates about the ESIT DMS system as well as our monthly Known Issues Document.

Help Desk Fast Facts

In the month of June, ESIT Help Desk staff processed a total of 730 requests:

  • 156 data fixes,
  • 336 administrative changes,
  • 122 requests to give school districts access to IFSPs,

  • 116 ACORN Support related requests.

Graph showing 2024 Help Desk Admin and Data Fixes, January through June.

2024 Help Desk Data Fixes

Infographic of Top 10 Data Fix Requests 2024. The top request ranking at 315, as “reopen IFSP.”

Top 10 Data Fix Requests 2024

If your program is implementing changes and you can anticipate that administrative changes in child records will be required, please notify the ESIT Help Desk ahead of time so we can anticipate the influx in requests.

Data Fix Schedule Reminder

Starting now, our data fix schedule has shifted to a weekly release. Data fix requests will be addressed every Thursday morning. To ensure timely resolution, kindly submit your data fix request by Wednesday at 4 p.m. We’ll notify users once the data fixes are released, unless the fix is removing overdue or duplicate notifications. For those requests, please look at the record to see removed notifications.

Our programmer is out on annual leave during the month of July so we will continue to deploy weekly data fixes, but more complicated requests might require more time for resolution while he is on annual leave.  Thank you for your understanding.

Addressing a hot request: Reopening IFSPs

We are fielding a high yield of reopening IFSP requests, so we kindly ask that you check and recheck your work before clicking that issue button. You can review your work by clicking “print IFSP” button prior to clicking the issue IFSP button. This will pull up a PDF copy for you to look closely at your work. Common reopen IFSP requests include: one or more services were not added, added an incorrect service by mistake, issued the IFSP with the wrong issuance date, changing end dates for outcomes and/or services, and spelling/grammatical errors.

Encrypted Emails Not required for Helpdesk Communication

We want to assure you that when reaching out to the Helpdesk, there is no need to send encrypted emails. Our team is equipped to handle your inquiries securely, and privacy remains a top priority. 

Uploading documents to DMS

When uploading documents to the DMS, please format documents to a PDF.  This will ensure that these documents will migrate to ACORN when we go live in the new system. Thank you!

ACORN Microlessons Now Available!

Please check out the following links around accessing ACORN and a local host error message:

ACORN Lesson: Accessing ACORN

ACORN Lesson: Local Host Errors

Jaclyn, our amazing ACORN Technical Assistance and Training Coordinator, is keeping a close eye on requests coming through so she can build additional training lessons to assist our users in the training environment.

ACORN Office Hour Updates


The ACORN Office Hours are an opportunity for ACORN Users to connect with the DSAT and PCG teams to ask questions and receive technical assistance. ACORN Office Hours are scheduled every Friday from 9 -10 a.m. PST.

You can join the Microsoft Teams Meeting using this link:

Meeting ID: 214 221 472 407
Passcode: 35ZAs6

Join ACORN Office Hours meeting

Beginning June 7, we will implement a short training at the beginning of the ACORN Office Hours. The training will be a task specific learning opportunity. Topics for the upcoming weeks are:

  • July 12 – User Roles
  • July 19 – Proxying as Another User
  • July 26 – Creating a Custom Report

During our Office Hours, we will ask “How To” questions. Please submit your questions by Thursday to ESIT Data Systems and Analysis Manager, Kim Hopkins, at

If you would like to report bugs or glitches, please submit these here.

If you would like to submit ideas for improvements and changes, please submit these here.

ACORN Go-Live and DMS Blackout Dates

We are all looking forward to the launch of the ACORN Data Management System. Our Users have been actively exploring the ACORN training environment for two months now. Insights and feedback that were shared with our team have helped program developers to identify and correct common bugs and glitches. Over the next several weeks, we will continue to engage with Users and learn about their experiences in the training environment and will finalize readiness criteria for the ACORN Go-Live in Production. At this point in time, the potential blackout dates aligned with the Go-Live date is still tentative. All of our Users and local administrators will be notified via Gov-Delivery once a Go-Live date has been confirmed and blackout dates have been established.

Updated SAW Access Guide Available

An updated SAW Access Guide is available on ESIT's ACORN Data Management System page. Please use this updated guide to help create your SAW account and access ACORN. The changes to the process outlined in this document will help us reduce the number of duplicate accounts in ACORN and will reduce errors with caseload migration.

ESIT ACORN Setting up Authenticator for SAW


Details Matter

Writing a good service ticket is not only helpful for the Helpdesk staff, but also for yourself. It can save you time and frustration by getting you the right solution faster. Here are some key points to remember when emailing the help desk:

  • Provide relevant details: The more information you can provide about the issue, the easier it will be for the help desk to identify and fix it. For example, include the ChildID when available, or child name/dob when necessary. Also, mention the steps you took before encountering the issue, and the expected and actual outcomes.
  • Use screenshots: A picture is worth a thousand words. Sometimes, a screenshot can show the issue more clearly than words. You can use the Snipping Tool or the Print Screen button on your keyboard to capture a screenshot of your screen. Then, attach it to your service ticket using the Attach File option.
  • Avoid jargon: Try to use simple and clear language that anyone can understand. Avoid using acronyms or technical terms that might confuse the help desk staff. If you have to use them, make sure to explain what they mean.

We hope these tips will help you write effective service tickets that can get you the best possible response. Remember, details matter! The more details you provide, the faster and better the Helpdesk can help you. 

Need Assistance?

A toddler girl sitting on the floor of a sunlit playroom, surrounded by toys and holding a plastic telephone receiver to her ear with a curly cord.

For Assistance with ESIT DMS, email

  • This is the most efficient way to get in the queue for assistance.
  • Send a description of your problem and include the child ID.
  • In some cases, it may be helpful to send a screenshot.
  • You may send a message directly through ESIT DMS if you do not need to attach screenshots to resolve the issue.