Since my last communication in July, the Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) Office of Innovation, Alignment, and Accountability (OIAA) has developed multiple additional products that may be of interest.
Child Welfare:
Child Welfare and Health Service Trends in Washington is a product produced by our colleagues at DSHS Research and Data Analysis (RDA), in partnership with DCYF’s OIAA, that monitors child protective services intakes and medical visits. We started this product during the beginning of the COVID pandemic to monitor for signs of child maltreatment that may have been showing up in the medical system, even as child maltreatment intakes and children entering foster care decreased.
Early Learning:
The Child Care Stabilization Grant Awards dashboard is an interactive map showing where the providers who have received DCYF’s Child Care Stabilization Grants for licensed providers are located, along with descriptive information about those grants by geographic area.
We have updated the Child Care Need and Supply dashboard using February 2023 data. This dashboard visualizes estimates of how much child care need is being met throughout Washington state for children birth through age 12 served by licensed child care, preschool, and/or subsidized child care.
Juvenile Rehabilitation:
Juvenile Rehabilitation Fact Sheet FY18-FY22 provides answers to common questions about the JR population as well as links to resources for additional detail.
Changes to the Juvenile Rehabilitation Population, SFY18-21 details population changes resulting from the various legislative actions referred to as ‘JR to 25’.
A video summarizing the results of this report is also available.
Juvenile Rehabilitation Length of Stay Trends (SFY 17-22) details changes in the average obligation length of youth in JR.
DCYF Equity Metrics Overview provides identified measures related to racial equity to help monitor progress toward eliminating disparities and disproportionality over time.
DCYF agency performance metrics have been updated for 2022, and supplemental measures, found on the right margin of the webpage, have been published as well. This includes updates to the agency’s Performance-Based Contracting (PBC) Initiative under the Contracting section.
DCYF Family First Services Needs Assessment, detailing the diverse needs of children and families interacting with child welfare.
Products produced by OIAA are available on the DCYF reports page. Reports authored by our team can be identified by filtering on “Report Type” and selecting “OIAA Reports.” Additionally, OIAA maintains a number of “OIAA Data Sheets” with commonly-requested descriptive data on this page, and a suite of Early Learning Dashboards, that are updated regularly.
We value your feedback and thank you for your engagement with OIAA and your interest in our work. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Vickie Ybarra, Ph.D., MPH, RN
Director | Office of Innovation, Alignment, and Accountability